CNN’s LGBT Town Hall Goes Off the Rails – IOTW Report

CNN’s LGBT Town Hall Goes Off the Rails

For those of us who forgot to watch, the Federalist reports on four major gaffes, stunts, and face plants during CNN’s town hall on LBGT topics. Here

The capper, however, seems to have been Joe Biden sharing memories of homosexuality in days gone by. Times filled with visits to San Francisco for “gay bath houses” and “round the clock sex.” Here

29 Comments on CNN’s LGBT Town Hall Goes Off the Rails

  1. Not sure why I should GAS about a pervert confab.

    That perverts would attend a pervert confab doesn’t surprise me.

    How does this square with the musselmen?
    Did Tlaib and Omar attend?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Wonder what part of the country agrees with Joe about the perversion and what part disagrees. What percentage accepts it and what percentage rejects it, at least enough for it to influence their voting.

  3. I saw two dogs playing leapfrog. The one in back kept trying but couldn’t quite jump over the other one. Hilarious. I really dug hard mansex with Cornpop, not that pansy faggy screwing Buttgig does.


  4. Definition of “Violence” for teh shay-male:

    “Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.”

    Nobody violenced you, stop it.

  5. Why on God’s green Earth would I ever watch CNN propaganda?
    Multiply this hatred for these liars 1000 fold when they go full sexual perversion.

    I am sure that everyone of them that attended will end up in Hell.

  6. Now we know that Crazy Joe will pick Mayor Butt to be his butt man! Campaign Motto: Vote for Crazy Joe and Mayor Butt to be the official perverts in charge of both the front hole and the back hole!

  7. Capt. Biden
    OCTOBER 11, 2019 AT 9:46 AM
    “You ever seen a grown man naked?”

    …no one has ever seen a grown man in ANY amount of dress among Democrats, they’re ALL emotionally stunted children…

    …and yes, I like “Airplane!” too and appreciate the reference, +100 to you and Peter Graves…

  8. @WDS October 11, 2019 at 10:18 am

    > Nobody violenced you, stop it.

    Do you have any IDEA how much harm the dehydration from all the crying does!?

    And, NO! You cain’t just hava drinka water! You’ll drown if you put water in your mouth with all that sobbing!

  9. So now we know why Homo Obama selected Crazy Joe for his ticket. Crazy Joe is a closet queer and only pretended to mug women as a cover! Barry, Joe and Reggie in a threesome!

  10. No wonder all those girls squirmed so uncomfortably while Joe was pawing them. Besides the smell of his curdled denture grip it was mingled with the pungent odor of male protein as he blew his sour breath.


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