CNN’s New Year’s Eve Coverage to Be Sober – IOTW Report

CNN’s New Year’s Eve Coverage to Be Sober

gateway pundit

CNN’s New Year’s Eve coverage has become embarrassing in recent years. Some of the hosts seem to compete with each other to see who can get more drunk and behave more outrageously.
This year that’s going to change, apparently.
Management is saying no boozing on the air.
It’s probably a good idea. Imbibe

9 Comments on CNN’s New Year’s Eve Coverage to Be Sober

  1. A 2023 Prediction you heard here first.

    Dana Perino the Plastic Sculpted Virgin Mary of Goodliness
    Will push a 28th Amendment
    A Prohibition on Cannabis
    Her Dog likes to eat it and she is MAD
    It is Natural
    It has never killed anybody
    It was created by God
    But she is MAD
    It Stinks says She and her Failla
    She doesn’t like it
    So it has to Go
    She has Digital Crypto-free ATM Cards you should buy instead
    She even has FREE Games to Play
    Not dirty krypto-grift currency
    The Real Crypto You BUY with REAL CASH
    Just remember
    They did this before
    When They needed Plastic
    1920s and the Flappers
    She represents Them
    Watch what She does
    Who She Advocates
    She is a Plastic Fraud
    And This Is Time Calling Her Out
    While She opens another Bottle or Box of Wine
    And counts her Money
    Like most RINOs with Charity Companies
    They don’t Smoke
    They can’t handle the Smoke
    They get Paranoid
    Money makes Them feel better
    They live for the longing for money, more money.
    Fake Jews
    Fake Catholics
    Fake TV Charity Scams
    The LUST for Money
    Always More More More
    That is what Feeds Their Hearts
    Their Souls still are Gods
    Their Hearts are where Evil feeds
    The Love of Money
    Plants grow free
    Only Money can change that
    Plastic Money
    28th Amendment?

    What do you think?

  2. That’s great news, CNN. But, like last year and the year before and the year before – all the way back to your being the Clinton News Network: I’ll be sure to ignore your channel.

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