CNN’s Reza Aslan Begins Campaign to Disparage Religion – IOTW Report

CNN’s Reza Aslan Begins Campaign to Disparage Religion

Reza Aslan, host of a new CNN series “Believer” hung out with an obscure Hindu sect, which served him grilled human brains and had him drink from a skull.  The episode is, which focused sect of Hinduism that is frowned up by it’s millions of followers, is catching a lot of criticism from a number of prominent Hindu’s, included Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D).

So far Aslan appears to be enjoying the free publicity and is unwilling to apologize for this stunt.


For someone who’s suppose to be a “religious studies scholar” Aslan made a number of definitional errors and appears to be more interested in exploiting the sensational and bizarre rather than actually trying to inform his viewers.


18 Comments on CNN’s Reza Aslan Begins Campaign to Disparage Religion

  1. I’m not surfing through that pile of shit link. Is this the guy that turned canibal because some malnutritioned animal with a prehistoric edged weapon threatened him? I think you’re going to hell pussy. Way to man up.

  2. If you say about any religion that it’s a false religion founded by charlatans and that the books they consider holy are full of lies, the believers of that religion will try to convince you otherwise, and failing that my pray for you.

    Every religion, that is, except Islam. If you say that about Islam, they will want you dead. That’s the difference between Islam and every other religion ever.

  3. “The League of the Militant Godless” was a communist-inspired and financed organization in the early Soviet Union and (apparently) has spread its tentacles into CNN. Their principle target was Russian Orthodoxy though they attacked all religion relentlessly.

    Nothing new under the Sun.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He’s an apologist for the ayatollas in Iran. He used to go on Bill Maher’s show a lot. He was a good guest because he was young and could speak well.

    He’s also a liar. He says Islam forbids slavery. But that only applies to other moslems. Non-moslems are considered like animals. So you can enslave, murder and rape as many as you want.

  5. grool,

    Since when is long pig (the other other white meat) halal? Someone told me that the only good thing about the spread of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa was that it discouraged cannibalism (calling it long pig).

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