Coal Miners Readying To Go Underground – IOTW Report

Coal Miners Readying To Go Underground

Given the nature of their work, I’d expect they’d sing a hymn and share a prayer after their safety meeting before starting their shift in a West Virginian coal mine. They did this instead.


22 Comments on Coal Miners Readying To Go Underground

  1. Very dangerous job, I always wondered why they don’t wear respirators.
    When I was younger I had to wear a respirator all day at work.
    There was a fine dust in the air all the time.
    Every 2 hours we put on new pre filters.
    Every 4 hours new pre filter and HEPA filter.

  2. When will America’s elected leaders (lefties/rinos) wake up and realize this is how real Americans acts. We are not hero wanna be’s guarding lgbti rights but rather men and women working long and hard at our professions and jobs – because it’s the right thing to do.

    We don’t bother you til you come in our back yard and we don’t care about your yard unless you need help.

    Thanks for this post and I thank God there’s still some patriotism and concern for our country around.

  3. If I was there I definitely would have taken a knee, there’s a chance I would have laid down on the ground too for there’s no way except kicking and screaming I’d voluntarily leave the surface of the earth to dig around down under.

  4. Gave me chills. And tears. To love one’s country — not the real estate of it, but the idea of human freedom and liberty and to solemnly understand the responsibilities, the obligations that are required of a free people; that is the best expression of the good in humanity. It is as close as can be compared to the free will God bestowed upon man and woman. Our better angels call us to love what God loves and to hate what he hates. America, America, God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.

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