Cocaine-Frosted Flakes Seized In Cincinnati – IOTW Report

Cocaine-Frosted Flakes Seized In Cincinnati

The Hill

Federal agents seized $2.82 million worth of cocaine-coated corn flakes, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a news release on Friday.

CBP officers in Cincinnati intercepted a large shipment of cereal that was headed to a private residence in Hong Kong from South America.

Officers opened the box and saw cereal with white powder, with flakes coated in a “grayish substance.” They tested the flakes and the substance, and found that they contained cocaine. More

13 Comments on Cocaine-Frosted Flakes Seized In Cincinnati

  1. :Me sitting in folding chair turned backwards:

    “Ho’kay muchachos…one more time…. This (points to map) is Sur America….over here..(swats map with pointer) is ASia.. Si, A-S-I-A.”

    “Now…over here (makes giant sweeping circle on map) is the Atlántica ocean. Is no where near ASIA.”

    :Cartel members busy taking notes:

    “Nex time turn left…. yeah, izquierdo, that’a way.”

    :Lights cigarrette, wipes sweat off forehead

    “Christ. I wonder if Genghis Khan started out this way”


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