Colbert Writer Working On Gay Santa Children’s Book – IOTW Report

Colbert Writer Working On Gay Santa Children’s Book

What started as a sick joke has now morphed into a parody children’s book, “Santa’s Husband” by a writer for Steven Colbert, Daniel Kibblesmith. The book is going to be published by Harper Design and they want to release it by the holidays.


Can we get something similar about the icons of Communism?

22 Comments on Colbert Writer Working On Gay Santa Children’s Book

  1. T’was the night after Christmas and all through the house
    Santa was banging his illegal alien male spouse
    Their groans could be heard through the night air quite clear
    And it spooked all the elves ’cause Santa’s so queer.
    The Democrats love Santa’s sexual bend
    And hope to elect his illegal boyfriend
    On Schumer! On Franken! On Pelosi and Warren!
    On Boxer! On Booker! Elect a queer who is foreign!
    And we heard him declare as he rode out of sight
    “Obama is next ’cause I heard his ass is real tight.”

  2. You better watch out
    You better not cry
    Better not pout
    I’m telling you why
    Santa Claus is coming to town

    He’s making a list
    And checking it twice;
    He’s gonna find out
    Who’s deviant and nice
    Santa Claus’s penis is brown

    He sees you when you’re sleeping
    He knows when you’re awake
    He knows if you’ve been bad or good
    So be bad for badness sake!

    You better watch out!
    You better not cry
    You better not pout
    I’m telling you why
    Santa Claus’s penis is brown

  3. Santa Claus is a fictious character in the public domain, and you can make him anything you want. Gay Santa, Rambo Santa, serial killer Santa, benevolent Santa, vegan Santa, etc., etc. Santa Claus is really only important to small children, and all they really care about is getting presents on Christmas morning.

    If a publishing house wants to invest in this stuff, I say go for it. The marketplace will decide if this is funny, or legitimate social commentary, or whatever, and the public will vote with their dollars. My guess is that Harper Design will end up with a lump of coal with this turkey.

  4. Thank you Leftists for voluntarily revealing yourselves for who and what you are inside.

    Anyone with a worthy soul, and a mind for self-preservation, should appreciate the head’s up and act accordingly.

  5. The real Santa, Bishop Nicholas of Myra, as generous as he was, probably would have beat the crap out of any pervert molesting kids. A book about gay Santas is definitely disgusting garbage designed to abuse children. Evil has no limits.

  6. I do believe that Santa’s real name is Steven Colbert and his husband’s name is Daniel Kibblesmith. It’s a story of true gay love between two liberal boys. I hope Daniel makes it oh so funny.

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