Cold fusion (LENR) commercial breakthrough could END food and energy scarcity around the world – IOTW Report

Cold fusion (LENR) commercial breakthrough could END food and energy scarcity around the world

It was good to hear from our old pal Pogo again. Veterans of the site will remember Pogo contributed many fine stories when we were all newbies.

(Natural News) Despite the persistent attempts by criminal governments and arrogant academics to crush the field of cold fusion, a commercial breakthrough has just been announced that marks a revolution for the future of our world. The Brillouin Energy Corp. has announced a breakthrough Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT) Boiler System which uses solid-state low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to produce controlled excess heat through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing no emissions, no radiation and no “spent” radioactive fuel material like what we see in the nuclear power industry.

This breakthrough uses solid state metal lattice technology that was once dismissed by nearly all conventional physicists, yet has been reproduced and proven in hundreds of laboratories around the world over the last several decades. The technology — once dismissed as “impossible” by mainstream physicists — has now been validated, patented and published in numerous scientific journals, even as it is not yet fully understand by mainstream physicists. Only those who are ignorant and arrogant now dismiss the technology, while those who are informed are embracing this tech as a ready solution to help feed, heat and power the world.

In a world where Western Europe is now facing winters of energy scarcity due to war with Russia — and Russia’s sharply reduced gas outflows via Nord Stream 1 and other channels — the Brillouin Energy Corp has a ready solution to heat homes, commercial buildings and military infrastructure at a fraction of current cost, without needing any fossil fuels whatsoever. As announced on the Brillouin Energy website, “The HHT™ boiler system uses ordinary hydrogen to produce scalable heat on demand at an exceedingly low cost, without any emissions or other pollutants.”


26 Comments on Cold fusion (LENR) commercial breakthrough could END food and energy scarcity around the world

  1. If this works the way Brillouin says it does, it would be right up there with semiconductors and integrated circuits as world-changing inventions that arose during my lifetime.

    I can’t help but keep thinking, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” The independent corroboration the company claims is key to overcoming my natural skepticism. I’ll cautiously keep my fingers crossed.

    Be aware, though, that if this truly does represent a way to generate energy at very low cost and in down-scalable and thus widely distributable generating modules, then the long knives will come out. Really, really long knives. The globalist/corporatist powers that be will dedicate a lot of their resources to squelch this technology, and for the reason Adams mentions: freedom, especially freedom from coercive control by those globalist/corporatist powers all around us these days. It may be an “all-in” moment for them, and us.

    Thank you Pogo and BFH for bringing this to our attention.

  2. Combine this story with the failure of “hot” fusion reactors to produce electricity in spite of tens of billions of dollars wasted over the past several decades and one is left to wonder, what the fuck is wrong with people who go into mainstream physics?

  3. Cold fusion will be available to the masses or what’s left of them ONLY

    When only the RIGHT people are in place to rake in the greatest profit


  4. 1) I’ll believe it when I see it.
    2) Even if it does work, the leftist nuts will find some way (I.E. declare helium
    a deadly pollutant) to stop it.

  5. Can’t get a permit to stick a pipe in the ground how am I gonna get a permit to start a cold fusion reactor? It all comes down to congress doing their fucking jobs and I’m not holding my breath.

  6. If the right people are going to make a lot of money, it’ll work. Otherwise, the technology must be crushed, a few explosions should do the trick making it look unstable.

  7. Will this fit into the trunk of a Tesla so it can go more than 300 miles before a recharge? Speaking of Teslas, if this technology is for real, and proven, why isn’t Elon Musk all over it? “Enough energy in a glass of water to power 30,000 homes”?! Put me in the skeptic column.

  8. If it works, it will allow unlimited energy (and food) for all 8 billion of us.

    This is not what the WEF wants.

    The project will be aborted in the womb.

  9. TPTB will make Brillouin an “offer they can’t refuse” and the technology will be shelved until such a time as said “elites” figure out how to profit from it AND maintain control of the ‘deplorables.’

  10. Need more details, of course, but it has the same smell as that old saw about the carburetor that provided 135 mpg that was mistakenly put on a friend of a friend of a cousin’s neighbor’s sister-in-law’s pool boy’s acquaintance’s car – and FORD (or GM or Chrysler – depending on the story) gave the guy a BRAND NEW car that got 14 mpg just to get it back!

    Put up or shut up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Speaking as a person with a master electrician license & an electrical engineer(power transmission & distribution), I have heard people talking about cold fusion for years. I’m a skeptic & would not recommend to folks to call their power provider just yet. It very well might be a thing in the next 50 to 100 years. But, as some of the others have said in their comments above. the government will do every dirty trick to stop it. It would derail the reset train. And we certainly can’t have that.

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