Collins Will Heed Roe V. Wade Litmus Test – IOTW Report

Collins Will Heed Roe V. Wade Litmus Test

Collins: I Will Not Support a Nominee Who Demonstrated Hostility to Roe V. Wade.

21 Comments on Collins Will Heed Roe V. Wade Litmus Test

  1. Sooo … you support murder of the innocents?
    You also support negro genocide (as designed by Margaret Sanger and “Planned Parenthood”)?

    Just say so.

    No need to couch it in obfuscations: “hostility to Roe vs Wade,” indeed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I don’t know Loco, when the socialist has her hair pulled back and her mean face on she makes my eyes hurt. Now if she were to loosen up a little, maybe a couple drinks in her she might have potential. I guess it depends on if she gets even meaner when she drinks.

  3. Millions of babies murdered in the US and Collins doesn’t shed a tear or try to correct the Supreme Court’s decision of infanticide. Twisted and sick individual.

    President Trump Please Give us a Pro-life Supreme Court Judge.
    Over-turn the murderous Roe V Wade decision.

  4. I’d say she’s as dumb as a bag of rocks (and when she speaks she does absolutely nothing to dissuade one from that opinion), but at least a bag of rocks has some useful purpose…she just sits there and sucks in air.

  5. So maybe the Dems efforts to delay the approval of President Trump’s nominee until after the new Senate is sworn in, is a good idea after all, since a Red Tide is more likely every day.

  6. It pisses me off to no end that among progressives, there is no litmus test for loyalty to the constitution, but there is for fealty to one evil court decision.

  7. I worry about the whole republican sisterhood of the expendable fetus. That would include not only Collins, but McCain and that other cunt from Arizona, Jeff Flake.
    That whole group is not only unreliable, but sinister.

  8. Based on my (albeit lacking) understanding of The Constitution of The United States of America, I am not aware of the central government’s business in abortion. That stated, this scrunt and many others are in desperate need of “late” term abortions…….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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