Black Senators Introduce Anti-Lynching Law — No, You Haven’t Accidentally Clicked On the Babylon Bee – IOTW Report

Black Senators Introduce Anti-Lynching Law — No, You Haven’t Accidentally Clicked On the Babylon Bee

The winner of the Woke Award, the Virtue Signaling Award and the Transparently Insulting Award is… the 3 black senators currently serving.

They can each share a statuette.

I thought we had an anti-lynching law. It’s called, I believe, murder.

Is lynching a serious threat to anyone in 2018?  And will it be a federal crime if you lynch a white person, or is this another one of those special unequal laws which seem to not so subtly indicate that the devil is straight and white and male?

Idiocy HERE.

27 Comments on Black Senators Introduce Anti-Lynching Law — No, You Haven’t Accidentally Clicked On the Babylon Bee

  1. How come she adopts the black side of her heritage and not the Indian side (dot not feather)??????….did her Grandma call them “slack jawed Jamacans?”….

  2. The Cabal is running out of rope, and ther’es 100 feet left to fall.
    Panic -Panic- Panic- Anxiety, and a visible Fear of Gitmo views all day and all night !!!

  3. Lynching wasn’t only used against blacks; see Frank, Leo (Georgia 1915). And I assumed our Congress had more pressing business to pursue than to push for something already illegal. If we’re experiencing a new epidemic of Lynching I haven’t heard about it. And I’m sure the SPLC would be shouting to the rooftops if that were the case.

  4. “Oh, no! We’re losing the support of blacks! I know! Let’s fight for anti-lynching laws to stop the lynching of blacks that ended generations ago!”

    Every single action these idiots take is more proof that they know their Blue Wave ain’t coming.

  5. maybe next they can pass a law that makes illegal collection and distribution of classified documents illegal.
    selling guns illegally across our borders would be another good one.

  6. “The legislation would make lynching — “the willful act of murder by a collection of people assembled with the intention of committing an act of violence upon any person” — punishable as a hate crime.”

    So gang violence in Chicago, for instance , would fall under this definition, and qualify as a Federal Hate Crime? Well, OK! Let’s support it (this bill) then.

  7. If this law were to be applied fairly, there would be 100 blacks in prison for every white, then they would claim “disproportionate impact” and use this as another example of the White man trying to keep them down. Much like the anti crack laws of the late 1980’s. The black communities BEGGED for such laws. No they claim that such laws were inflicted on them by Whites.

    This anti lynching law to only ever be used against Whites.
    Can we also have a special law against black men raping White women?
    Interracial rape is a huge problem, unless you are black male, then you’re the problem.
    If you are a black female, your ONLY statistically significant fear of rape is also from black males.
    No other races rape black women in statistically significant numbers.

  8. Tim Scott? Seriously?

    So tired of this BS. Can we make a law where anything Kamala Harris proposes is automatically rejected? I’d support that.

  9. Too funny, Fur! What about the anti-scalping Indians law, too?

    We could move to animals and have the anti-horses-in-the-glue-factory law.

    Probably, the anti-gays-off-building-roofs-law-by-Muslims would never pass….. Too politically incorrect. Same for rapes, beheadings and honor killings, I’m afraid. …Lady in Red

    PS: This is a big embarrassment for Tim Scott. He should scratch his name tomorrow morning.

  10. It may sound more evil but lynching and hanging aren’t synonyms. Killing someone for a crime, without a trial, using a rope to hang that person is a lynching. Hate need not be involved nor must the victim be black.

  11. What are they gonna call it when La-Zee’s bros kill Zimmerman?

    Or when that group of rabid apes killed that dude by beating him to death with hammers (shrieking “kill whitey!” by the way)?

    Sounds a lot like lynching to me.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. This is not intended to provide protection for blacks where hitherto no such protection exists. The law already outlaws lynching. But anyone who votes against this frivolous bill will be tagged as a racist who wants to return to the Jim Crow days. And it comes right before the mid-terms.

    This is legislative race-baiting, pure and simple.


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