“Colossal Waste of Money”: Climate Alarmists Turn on Carbon Capture – IOTW Report

“Colossal Waste of Money”: Climate Alarmists Turn on Carbon Capture

Daily Sceptic

The insane Net Zero revolution is starting to devour its own children. The latest technology to fall foul of the zealots passionate hatred of all things hydrocarbon is carbon capture, a process that consumes billions of dollars, often fails to meet expectations and, horror of horrors, justifies the continuing activities of oil and gas companies. Green Blob-funded Oil Change International (OCI) has released a report entitled ‘Funding Failure: Carbon capture and fossil hydrogen subsidies exposed’. In an article circulated by Blob-funded Covering Climate Now and published by DeSmog – recently given £400,000 by the Rowntree Trust to continue running a grubby ‘blacklist’ of so-called climate deniers – carbon capture is said to be a “colossal waste” with the United States leading the way in public spending on “false climate solutions”. Perhaps not such good news for the Mad Miliband’s £8 billion GB Energy operation which will act as a state-run subsidy fund for numerous wacky green projects including carbon capture and hydrogen.

The zealots are correct about carbon capture and hydrogen. They both use vast amounts of energy to little effect. But there are few ‘green’ solutions in town to back up intermittent wind and solar power, so to date it is any port in a storm. But capturing carbon dioxide from combusted material or the atmosphere and compressing it to store underground for eternity is crazy. The old saying, ‘fools and their money are easily parted’ springs to mind. As an alternative to natural gas and a solution to electricity grid-scale storage, hydrogen – expensive, dangerous and lacking in kinetic energy – has almost nothing to offer. more

12 Comments on “Colossal Waste of Money”: Climate Alarmists Turn on Carbon Capture

  1. Carbon capture? And then transporting it via pipelines to huge underground storage tanks to hold it…forever?

    It’s the fucking Rube Goldberg of climate change nonsense. Beats putting millions into huge fans to generate electricity by miles. It’s right up there with putting huge sunscreens in space to block sunlight.

    These alarmists are out of their minds. And anyone going along with this crap is too.

  2. But there IS a cheap and easy method of carbon (dioxide) capture……prep the soil, plant a tree, water, fertilize, and wait. But that’s too much common sense for an EnviroNazi to comprehend.

  3. Just think….if that investment had been spent on forest fire prevention and suppression millions of tons of carbon would still be “captured” in living plants.

  4. Governments, especially ours, have no business subsidizing anything. If a venture cannot succeed through private investments or donations from believers in a cause it should not exist based upon money confiscated / stolen from citizens through taxation (forced) and given to others. Of course we all know these subsidies, in most cases, are rewards to friends / family of politicians or a convenient method of money laundering. The “climate” scam is probably the biggest ponzi scheme ever devised by mankind. It provides more avenues for fraud than any other throughout history. Our Constitution limits the role of our government and its responsibilities. It certainly does not provide for “investments”. Of course we all know those in power completely ignore law and the Constitution. Integrity and patriotism has been replaced with corruption, greed and the lust for power.

  5. We live in a closed environment. Except for the shot into space, which is cancelled out by meteorites bringing metals to the Earth, All the elements are still here. At the end of time the same amount of carbon will exist on the Earth and it won’t matter. if it is under the ground, laying on the surface, or floating as part of the atmosphere.

  6. I grew up exactly one mile from the site of the Lucas Gusher in the Spindletop Oil Field south of Beaumont, Texas. That event in 1901 triggered the modern oil industry. At that very site, they are building a carbon capture facility that is intended to store CO2 underground inside of the massive salt dome beneath the ground. It’s a stupid idea intended to convince idiots that ‘something is being done’ to save the planet.

  7. I have a good idea. Why don’t we all get together and “build” a carbon capture facility?

    We could build a pole barn and fill it with lots of confusing, expensive-looking equipment that we get from junk yards. Then invite the politicians to tour and tell them all this meaningless details of how it works and ask for $$$$$$$$$$$ from the “government” to continue operating. When we get the money, 10% is given to whoever the big guy at the moment is, write up confusing fake scientific papers as to how it is functioning under capacity (wouldn’t want it to work too much or they would shut us down as they really don’t want it to work), and tell them we need more money for better research.

    We would be heroes and make so much money that we could have our fearless leader, BHF, run for president! The left would love it and with their massive voter fraud, he would win!

    He would hire us all to his administration and on his first day in office, he would implement all of Trump’s plans and the left would implode!

    Hey, it could happen!


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