Columbia Professor Declares Snorting Heroin Helps Him Maintain “Work-Life Balance” – IOTW Report

Columbia Professor Declares Snorting Heroin Helps Him Maintain “Work-Life Balance”


[Car] Hart, a psychology professor and neuroscience expert, had already worked (legally) with drugs including marijuana, cocaine, and heroin for more than 25 years, studying drug users and seeking to answer questions about the threats drugs pose to mental and physical health.

For most of that time, Hart was set on proving one point: Drugs are bad. Now, he just wishes he could do them legally and that you could too.

“My heroin use is as recreational as my alcohol use,” Hart wrote in his book. “Like vacation, sex, and the arts, heroin is one of the tools that I use to maintain my work-life balance.” More

26 Comments on Columbia Professor Declares Snorting Heroin Helps Him Maintain “Work-Life Balance”

  1. When one is so self aware of how much of a fraud they are one will do anything to escape one’s life…

    I didn’t even have to go to Columbia, Yale, or Harvard and I know that.

  2. Psychologist – Not a doctor. Not licensed to prescribe drugs.

    Not even the LEGAL ones.

    They are restricted to talk therapy only.

    …not someone who’s in any way, shape, or form who should be giving out medication advice, that’s practicing medicine without a license, so not trained or qualified to speak about what he’s speaking about in the FIRST place…

  3. Uncle Al ʘ
    FEBRUARY 21, 2021 AT 5:04 PM
    “I have known lots of people who consumed all kinds of drugs and remained responsible, productive, happy people…”

    …and I’ve known people who have wrecked their families, robbed their neighbors, and killed themselves and sometimes others directly from their drug use.

    …and that’s more common by FAR…

  4. I hear tell it made Jim Beam
    and Allen Thick
    It made Jonathan Swift
    and Gracie Slick
    It made Victor Mature
    It made Tom Petty
    It started Willie Waylon
    and got Helen Reddy.
    It made Tom Cruise
    and Oscar Wilde
    It gave Gary Hart
    But gave Gomer Pyles
    It made William Hurt
    and Lucille Ball
    It made Wilson Pickett
    and that ain’t all!

  5. My Uncle Bob was a psychologist, got his advanced degree at Harvard in the 60s.
    Soon after Timothy Leary died in 1996 we were visiting my grandparents. My 90 year-old grandmother recalled a time when she visited her son at Harvard while he was getting his degree.
    “I saw a jar of powder on Bob’s dresser, and asked what it was. ‘That’s LSD, mom.’, Bob said.
    “I wasn’t too unhappy to hear that Timothy Leary died.”

  6. It made Stevie Wonder
    and old John Wayne
    it made Saul Bellow
    And caused Thomas Paine
    It turned Clint Black
    And Barry White
    Made Doris’s Day
    And Gladys’s Knight.
    It gave Bob Hope
    and Percy Faith
    It made Marvin Gaye
    But made George Straight
    It made Bobby’s Short
    And Lester Flatt
    And hey… it even did more than that.

  7. It made Bozo a Clown
    and got Bobby Bare
    It made Ezra Pound
    and Gallo Wine
    It made Merle Haggard
    and Andy Devine
    It made Rich Little
    and Huey Long
    It made B.B. King
    and Neil’s Armstrong!

  8. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS:

    …and I’ve known people who have wrecked their families, robbed their neighbors, and killed themselves and sometimes others directly from their drug use.

    …and that’s more common by FAR…

    It’s only more common that you KNOW ABOUT those tragedies. The responsible ones tend not to call any attention to their drug use and they certainly don’t fit the anti-drug narrative.

  9. Uncle Al ʘ
    FEBRUARY 21, 2021 AT 7:53 PM

    …not saying they’re can’t be people that maintain, and yes I DID only see the tragedies as a medic; but I also personally have known people who got into heroin, know them, their parents, their children (some I’ve talked about here, others not), and of THAT subgroup, there are NO success stories THERE, either. It’s universally a slide into the same Stygnian pit of despair, only varying in details such as how fast the slide is, how many they pull down with them, and how many wrecked cars and shattered lives they leave before they get enough Fentanyl to shut them down permanently, and sometimes on purpose.

    And, given that opiates do physically rewire your brain to require higher and higher doses for the same effect and the unpleasantness of withdrawal, the outlook is bleak from even a purely financial point of view as the need to “score” progressively higher doses eclipses the ability to finance those same doses, and priorities shift from feeding the family to feeding the monkey on your back that’s grown to monster movie size and appetite.

    I suppose there are, for all that, some few that can “maintain”.

    There are people who can drink multiple shots of whiskey and still drive a car, too.

    …but the exceptions that prove the rule for both are so few and far between that I would not recommend trying either one, as the consequences for finding out you are NOT the exception are dire indeed, not just for you, but for everyone around you from your nearest and dearest to that total stranger driving the other way when you pass out and cross the centerline…

  10. I hate drugs that cloud reality. I can’t state that strongly enough. Life is so precious and so wonderful that I don’t want to mess up my own reality of it in any way.

    My strongest drug is coffee, and that is really because I love the taste. I have an alcoholic drink on occasion, because I like a nice glass of red win with pasta, but do not like the way it makes me feel if it isn’t blunted by food. I get that I am the exception, but I don’t let the majority rule my life in other ways, and I don’t drink to be one of the gals, either.


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