Comey’s Greatest Blunders – IOTW Report

Comey’s Greatest Blunders

Being a leaker is only the beginning for the president to fire James Comey.  OAN put together a nice review of all the other FBI fumbles and bumbles that occurred during his tenor as FBI director.




6 Comments on Comey’s Greatest Blunders

  1. As events develop it is quickly becoming apparent that Comey was nothing more than a progressive democrat operative embedded in the FBI to carry out their agenda. The cloak of a non-partisan, highly reputable individual with impeccable integrity was a cover.

    As with any spy, he was activated during the re-election process to undermine the Republican nominee (and eventual President) to spread dis-information and lies.

    A devious Swamp Creature to be sure, glad he is gone.

  2. I’m with Gunny.

    To use Comey’s phrase from yesterday, “grab him, squeeze him, flip him”.

    Do it at Gitmo. Because, National Security. Comey will incriminate Lynch, Holder, and Clinton.

    Meanwhile, Trump’s security needs to be reinforced by Navy Seals.

  3. Comey is going to regret earning the wrath of the Macedonian Content Farmers. First he was in collusion with them when he jumped the Reservation and outed Hillary (twice). Then he decided to collude with his old friends from the Justice Department and outed Trump to the NYTimes. Then he outed former Attorney General Lynch as a “Mattering Nabob of Hillary Clinton’s Glass Shattering Mission” to the nation. Friends become Enemies, and Enemies become Friends. It’s enough to confuse a Macedonian Content Farmer.

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