Commerce Dept’s latest GDP numbers don’t add up – IOTW Report

Commerce Dept’s latest GDP numbers don’t add up

department of commerce

LibertyUnyielding:  [Ed. – I’ve been seeing for some time that these figures are being heavily manipulated.  So have others.]

Commerce announced on Thursday that the nation’s third-quarter gross domestic product expanded by just a 1.5 percent annual rate. …

But how Commerce got to that 1.5 percent number is truly amazing.

Of the 1.5 percent, 0.45 of a percentage point came from increased health care spending. In other words, mandatory ObamaCare payments caused about one-third of the third-quarter GDP growth.

Without that forced spending, GDP growth would have been just 1 percent annualized.

But that ain’t all.


16 Comments on Commerce Dept’s latest GDP numbers don’t add up

  1. The fudging of government figures is rampant
    in the Barrack Administration. Money, the economy,
    education, global warming; all are grist for the Democrat
    lie machine. And when caught, even in outright perjury
    before Congress, No One Ever Goes To Jail.

  2. All these liars do is lie and they even go back years later to “adjust” their lies – funny how these “adjustments” never seem to make it into MSM stories. Hopefully Trump of Cruz will have the stones to prosecute all of this crap ……. regardless of whether the economy has entirely collapsed by then to the point they can no longer hide it. From an August 2015 article here:

    And late last week, Commerce lowered its GDP figures for the last six years while also producing more statistics for recent quarters that will someday need to be corrected.

    Commerce said in that October, just weeks before the election (2012), that the economy was growing at an annualized rate of 2.5 percent.

    Now Commerce has corrected the third quarter of 2012 to just 0.5 percent. So Commerce overstated growth in this very important period, as Americans were about to go vote — by a magnitude of five.

    Growth in the fourth quarter of 2012 was just 0.1 percent. So when you put the third and fourth quarters together, the country was alarmingly close to officially being in a recession — a point that no president would want to brush up against when trying to get reelected.

  3. 92 million out of the workforce and we magically have around 5 % unemployment. Despite increases on virtually everything, there is no inflation so no COLA for SS or military pensions. Obamacare has increased premiums and removed millions of Americans from their insurance plans, yet it is called “Affordable Care”. Five activist lawyers with lifetime jobs overrule 300 million people and the laws of God and nature itself and redefine marriage. Despite no evidence of its existence, global warming is our greatest threat.

  4. As soon as a Republican is president, like the very next day after inauguration, the media is going to discover that we’re in a depression. They will immediately forget that Obozo was president for eight years and blame it all on the new Republican president. In fact, they’ll blame all the problems created by Obozo on the new president.

    Vegas casinos should make book on that.

  5. All numbers from the government are bullshit now.

    $18 trillion in debt?… Bullshit. It’s at least twice that if not more.

    11 million illegal aliens?… Bullshit… That number froze in 2007. It’s well over 20 million now.

    5% unemployment?… Bullshit… They just stop counting people who can’t find a job after two years.

    Positive GDP growth?… Bullshit… The deflation, stagnant wages, and growing debt going on shows that it’s on a long slide down the crapper.

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