Commies will blockade studio if it casts DiCaprio as Lenin – IOTW Report

Commies will blockade studio if it casts DiCaprio as Lenin

LibertyUnyielding: [Ed. – Now that‘s a negative review.  Granted, I don’t think DiCaprio does accents particularly well.]

di caprio lenin movie

Communists in Russia have said they will blockade the country’s oldest film studios if it goes ahead with its plan to cast Leonardo DiCaprio as Lenin.

DiCaprio, whose maternal grandmother was Russian, and who bears a striking childhood resemblance to the Russian leader, spoke last week of his fascination with the country’s history and figures. more

11 Comments on Commies will blockade studio if it casts DiCaprio as Lenin

  1. An evil Hollyweird leftie portraying an evil commie like Lenin, how inspiring. What’s the matter, Sean Penn was not available or are they saving him to portray Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro in a biopic. Johnny Depp already did Che in The motorcycle Diaries, so he’s taken already. Maybe the commies think that Leo is a lousy actor as well, who knows.

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