Commission to Study Court Packing, Other SCOTUS ‘Reforms’ – IOTW Report

Commission to Study Court Packing, Other SCOTUS ‘Reforms’

Townhall – President Biden will sign an executive order Friday establishing a bipartisan commission to study reforms to the Supreme Court, including court packing and setting term limits for justices.

“The Commission’s purpose is to provide an analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary public debate for and against Supreme Court reform, including an appraisal of the merits and legality of particular reform proposals,” the White House said in a statement. “The topics it will examine include the genesis of the reform debate; the Court’s role in the Constitutional system; the length of service and turnover of justices on the Court; the membership and size of the Court; and the Court’s case selection, rules, and practices.”


h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

6 Comments on Commission to Study Court Packing, Other SCOTUS ‘Reforms’

  1. The 2 reforms that I would like are 1) mandatory retirement at age 80 and that they take more cases. Too many times I read about cases that they look at but ultimately reject. Cases that involve civil liberties and election fraud, they need to hear. The stakes are too high considering that these types of cases go the very core of Constitutionality.

  2. this is what governments do, particularly D’rat run governments.

    got a perceived problem? form a committee (large enough to deflect any individual blame), go on ‘fact-finding missions’, spend a lot of taxpayer $$$ on meeting ‘venues’, spend an exorbitant amount of time & $$$ in ‘brainstorming sessions’ on ‘mission statements’, hire consultants (to further deflect blame & inflate your budget), get consultants to buy lunch for the committee every time they meet (billed back to the gov’ment as incidental expenses, of course), get consultants to issue periodical ‘progress reports’.
    after an arbitrarily-designated time-lapse the committee will go to the department heads & request more time to further study this ‘oh-so-important-issue-for-the-survival-of-humankind’ …. ’cause we’re this close to finding the most important discovery ever! just a little more $$$ in the budget & we’ll bring out that all-important PowerPoint Presentation!
    … now, let’s all go to lunch … the consultants are flying us out to Cancun today!

  3. When being a judge opposing the Constitution here faces the same degree of challenges being a judge opposing the cartels does in Mexico, you will see things start changing.

    Not before then.

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