Common Corpse Math – IOTW Report

Common Corpse Math

I just realized something.

Everyone I met in high school who was at that time the same age as I am now, is more likely dead than not.


18 Comments on Common Corpse Math

  1. I have never gone to any of my high school reunions. However, I do know that some of the people I knew are dead. It is difficult. I am not yet 60 and I just don’t consider that old. I can’t because I just don’t feel old.

    On the other hand, I try not to look in the mirror. Ever. Because I know that guy whose reflection I see looks freakin’ ancient. Hideous, even.

  2. Hey I get a monthly letter from my Key.Stone Kops Retirees Association.. It’s sad. Two, three , four a year.. All in our mid seventies now. I’m just waitin’ to read about myself. Great guys all of them. RIP Brothers. BFH you and you’re buddies are just kids. God Bless you all.

  3. They’re probably not all dead. Example: There was a girl in elementary school who used to sit next to me in music class, and we liked each other a lot.

    One day, she stopped coming to school and after a few days of her not showing up, I went to her house and asked her brother about her. Her brother explained to me that she had hit her head on an outboard motor when her dad accelerated his boat and she fell into the water and drowned. That was around 1965.
    And I was extremely sad and depressed about that for many years.

    Then one day, last year, I was screwing around on Classmates dot com and noticed her name and a recent picture. And I thought about hunting down her brother and beating the living shit out of him.

    She just moved away to live with another relative or something.

    She’s married now, so I haven’t tried to contact her, but I did leave a message on the board.

    Everybody else I went to school with probably died in prison. 🙁

  4. Was there, at least, a little spark of joy knowing she was really alive?

    I have had a similar experience, and knowing the person was actually not dead yet completely overwhelmed the lie I was told.

    And yes, you were robbed. It hurts. I do feel sorry for you on that.

  5. Our class has a webpage that keeps the dead list updated. That webpage unfortunately also has a “letters” tab where you can submit your bio. Yes, the same dorks in high school submitted the riveting tales of their banking careers or how they modified the forms in the Texas Ag department.

  6. mid 50s here, so HS was going on 35 -40 yrs ago. Looking back I realize that my teachers at the time were in my folks age range. Not a large school but we scattered. As far as I know none of my classmates are pushing up daisies, but I do know of teachers who are no longer with us. Very influential people in my life.

  7. Never attended the many class reunions.
    Three of the 550 classmates had communicated with me over the past 45 years. One person wrote me one letter when I spent 22 months in VN. One person dropped by my house 32 yrs ago, he passed away 10 years ago, the other who called when I returned stateside wondering where I had been, I haven’t heard from him since 1972.

    Many were friends at the time, but dead to me now and I am dead to them. It isn’t a loss to any of us.

    So yeah, “all” my high school friends are dead.

  8. I was in 4th grade and complained to my mother about “Old Lady Wright”. My mom came home from a parent teacher conference and informed me my teacher was 24 years old.

    Kids – heh

  9. This year would be my 40th high school grad anniversary. I rarely if ever run into old classmates. Worked with a couple of them before I moved north, but really had nothing to do with them.

    We lost our first scant months after graduation… jumped off a bridge in San Diego. I have no idea who’s quick or dead now.

    One grade school classmate came knocking on my late parents’ door last summer when I was selling their old furniture. He remembered me before I could ID him. It was actually good to see him and catch up on 45 years of life. He was responsible for giving me my life-long nickname in 3rd grade. He didn’t remember that happening at all. I’ll never forget it.

  10. It’s been a good thread even though most misunderstood BFH’s point. He wasn’t talking about classmates, but rather adults who were then the same age he is now.

    In my case, I am 66 years old and my HS graduation was in 1966. The people who were 66 in 1966 are undoubtedly all dead now but if not would be 115 years old today.

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