Community Chest – IOTW Report

Community Chest


Is it even possible for something to be too progressive?

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31 Comments on Community Chest

  1. She’s a wet nurse. It’s no big deal. I think the weird thing is posting pictures on social media (and nursing until they’re toddlers ).

    I don’t know why people think bodily functions should be part of everyday conversation.

  2. Actually, this was normal for thousands of years. In some parts of the world, it still is. Welfare Queens won’t do it, because it gets in the way of nightclubbing, so they plug the kid into free WIC formula or, if they’re low on cash/benefits, a little Kool-Aid.

    I find the idiotic part to be the fact that they have to advertise it. Then, it starts looking creepy.

    These people have a huge stick up their ass, sideways. Fart cuppers. All.

  3. I came over to the comments section to say the exact same thing but you beat me to it.

    Wet-nursing has been a necessity at times, probably since the generations after Adam and Eve. I have to say it probably saves her a lot of time – and keeps her slim.

  4. other cultures breast feed kids well into their childhood. I knew a pastor in Papua New Guinea who would have 5-6 yr olds run into the church service and nurse at their mother’s breast during the sermon.
    But some do carry it a bit too far, did you hear about the guy who was breast fed by his grandmother? To this day he likes to drink
    past it’s expiration date….

  5. Proof of why 40 is the new 20. A child over a year old has teeth for a reason — so it can chew solid food. This isn’t about the health of the toddlers. And on FB, no less. Lordy!

  6. a friend of my wife breast fed her kidlet until he was 5. they’d come over for coffe/tea/chat and she’d just flop a tit out in front of me. i didnt mind, but thought it was weird

  7. I wonder how long she’ll keep her kid in diapers.

    I’m no baby expert, but when they’re old enough to run up to the Mother and demand a feeding, isn’t that waiting a bit too long to wean the young’un?

  8. Reminds me of an old joke…

    Two babies, Ralph and Stymie are discussing breast-feeding.
    Stymie says, “I love feeding time at my Mom’s boobies.”
    Ralph growls, “I HATE breast-feeding!”
    “Why?” asks Stymie.
    “Because I don’t like the taste of cigars!” says Ralph.
    Puzzled, Stymie remarks, “WTF? Cigars?”
    Ralph explains, “Yeah, my Old Man smokes Phillies Cheroots.”

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