Confused Joe Biden Stares Blankly – IOTW Report

 Confused Joe Biden Stares Blankly

GP-Joe Biden on Wednesday held a meeting with the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology in San Francisco.

Biden arrived in California on Tuesday evening after shuffling around Wayne County, Michigan for 12 minutes and talking to striking autoworkers for 87 seconds.

Biden spent Tuesday evening at a ritzy fundraiser with Hollywood elitists.

On Wednesday Joe Biden delivered brief remarks before his handlers ejected reporters.

“AI has the potential to transform research,” Biden said. “America leads the way toward responsible AI innovation.”

At one point Joe Biden couldn’t remember the word “Covid.” more

7 Comments on  Confused Joe Biden Stares Blankly

  1. “I don’t think anything is inevitable in politics,”

    When saying such a statement from Head Tyrant, this is what I hear, “Amendments [your rights] aren’t absolute.”

    And, “responsible AI innovation???” There is no such thing. You might be thinking, oh cool, we won’t have a Terminator running around killing all of us. Biden is actually referring to information; to ensure all AI information is left-bias. That’s the only “responsibility” built for AI at the moment.


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