Congratulations Left – You’re Doing A Fabulous Job On Students – IOTW Report

Congratulations Left – You’re Doing A Fabulous Job On Students

Imagine when every moron gets to be indoctrinated in college “for free”?

America, you had a good run.


14 Comments on Congratulations Left – You’re Doing A Fabulous Job On Students

  1. I find everything these aspiring Chekists say to be offensive, insulting, demeaning, threatening, disrespectful, hate-filled, violence-inducing, and feel it violates, or intends to violate, the basic human rights and freedoms of every true American.

    Make no mistake: They mean to kill every last one of us. The second they feel secure enough, they will give it a shot.

  2. @Tsunami,

    They won’t realize that though. They’ve never even thought about the gov’t gravy train with that much depth at all. You’re projecting your own logical capacity onto them. They can’t even understand something as simple as what you’re saying.

  3. I can only wonder what kind of parent raised that.

    I’m getting more and more on board with post-birth abortions for a select group. All the way up to the 25th trimester. If they make it to 90y.o. they’re safe.

  4. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt ME! My voice may in fact be of help in denouncing corrupt government or pointing out perverse and or destructive behaviour. So it seems to me the only people worried about my speech is corrupt government officials, perverts and crazies.

  5. The only thing missing at the bottom of that message is


    I’m with tsunami and racer x:
    they want their EBT slop ticket, and fear guns…
    …those who do not fear guns will find out the hard way they will not need their EBT cards any longer.

  6. The writer is wrong. It is perfectly okay, even morally necessary to hate those that do evil. By their faulty logic presented, I could not hate the Nazis. I have the right and the freedom as a human to voice ugly ideas, which may be necessary to do so and I do not recognize them as an authority over what I can and cannot say.

    So, let’s attack some of their sacred cows. BLMs lives do not matter when they attack the police and get what they deserve. When muslims call for my murder or subjugation I will call them out as evil, satanic, death cultists who should be imprisoned. When Democrats call for me to perform an abortion, the murder of an unborn baby, I will refuse and say they are evil, despicable and selfish. Shall I go on?

  7. “… human rights to dignity, respect, honor, non-discrimination, and freedom from hatred.”

    Oh, really?

    “Dignity” is a character trait.
    “Respect” is EARNED.
    “Honor” is EARNED.
    “Non-discrimination” is non-existent. People of discriminating tastes discriminate – it’s not a bad thing.
    “Freedom from hatred” is a personal choice – we can hate or not, depending upon what is attempted to be done unto us.

    These are NOT “rights” – human or otherwise.

    These are the maunderings of a fool who has no understanding of plain English and the concept of “rights.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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