Congress to Kerry: Close PLO’s Washington office – IOTW Report

Congress to Kerry: Close PLO’s Washington office

WND- Enough is enough, say members of Congress who have written to Secretary of State John Kerry telling him to close down the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s office in Washington.

PLO obama

The letter, signed by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., and dozens more said while the United States is in the midst of a massive war on terror worldwide, special privileges are being granted to the PLO in Washington even as it incentivizes terror by paying salaries to terrorists in Israeli jails.

“This fall, both the House of Representatives and the Senate unanimously passed resolutions condemning Palestinian incitement,” the letter said. “The United States government has an obligation to publicly denounce the PLO’s actions and should immediately revoke its waiver. Allowing the PLO to maintain an office in Washington, D.C., provides no benefit to the United States or the peace process.”
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3 Comments on Congress to Kerry: Close PLO’s Washington office

  1. WTH? They want to shut down the PLO in Washington? It seems like only yesterday Arafat won the Peace Prize for killing Jews.

    And then just the other day our fart face president got the Peace Prize for killing America.

    OMG! that adds up!

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