Connecticut: Man Accused Of Breaking Into Restaurant, Downing 70 Bottles of Booze In 4-Day Binge – IOTW Report

Connecticut: Man Accused Of Breaking Into Restaurant, Downing 70 Bottles of Booze In 4-Day Binge

Connecticut Roundup

A shameless freeloader quarantined himself in a shuttered Connecticut restaurant, helping himself to thousands of dollars worth of food and drink during a four-day bacchanalian binge, police said.

Louis Angel Ortiz, 42, was arrested early Tuesday after allegedly pillaging a Cuban restaurant in downtown New Haven, which police believe he busted into Saturday through a side window.

Ortiz then proceeded to eat, drink or steal several thousand dollars worth of food and booze, including roughly 70 bottles of liquor, New Haven police said. More

13 Comments on Connecticut: Man Accused Of Breaking Into Restaurant, Downing 70 Bottles of Booze In 4-Day Binge

  1. Fake news, at least that part about 70-ish bottles of booze. Unless those were miniatures, and you don’t see them much at restaurants, that much alcohol would kill you.

    Other than that, totally believable especially in liberal Connecticut.

    Edit: @Pogo’s quicker at the keyboard!

  2. Good for him!

    70 bottles is not that much since they included beers esp. if he was grilling pork & BBQ Chicken.

    In Canada, he would be a bit of a lightweight, Eh!

    My Computer programmer buddy chokes 23 on average during Sunday NFL seasons.

  3. Don’t forget he had to bathe in those four glorious days.
    I bet he filled up the sink with all sparkling wine and sat in there and sang old campaign songs.
    I think I would prefer a Merlot bath my own self. I certainly wouldn’t drink it.


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