Conservative Groups Urge Congress to Keep the IRS in Check – IOTW Report

Conservative Groups Urge Congress to Keep the IRS in Check

BCN: The House Oversight Committee voted on Wednesday for John Koskinen, commissioner of the IRS, to be censured for obstructing an investigation into whether the agency targeted conservative groups that sought tax-exempt status for extra scrutiny.

The committee seeks Koskinen’s removal — voluntary or involuntary. The whole U.S. Congress has to approve his censure or impeachment.

“There was no politically motivated targeting at the IRS, there was no lying to Congress, there was no obstruction of justice,” Rep. Elijah Cummings said. “It simply didn’t happen. After three years…it’s finally time to put this baseless conspiracy theory to rest…It’s time to give up on this one.”

Rep. Cummings apparently didn’t get the memo. The IRS apologized for targeting conservative groups.  MORE

6 Comments on Conservative Groups Urge Congress to Keep the IRS in Check

  1. Never happen.
    Koskinen will just offer to do the same for the Republicrats’ targets.
    EVERYBODY knew. McCain and other Republicrats were behind some of the targetting.
    This is bullshit to try to make the voters think that they’re doing something.

    izlamo delenda est …

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