Contest! Replace one word in a movie title with… – IOTW Report

Contest! Replace one word in a movie title with…



Butt first, let’s settle up the previous contest:

 A special Valentine edition of ‘What Did She Do?’ .

The correct answer to what she did was
#5. Beat her husband after she found his dildo.

And here is her story:

Wife Battered Husband After She Found Dildo Among His Belongings, Cops Charge– TSG.

No one guessed ‘MJA’s fake contributions’, but a couple of you got very close.  My two fakes were:

7] Worked at a school for the blind and was caught disrobing while teaching class.

9] Superglued her granddaughter’s fingers together because she wouldn’t stop picking her nose.

Since no one won that contest, here’s a new one:

Replace one word in a movie title with the word TUSHY.

Whoever makes me laugh my ass off will win a Keith Safety Whistle, courtesy of Menderman.

Rules: You may enter as often as you like [That’s what she said. Heh.]
Contest ends February 16th, 12pm (noon) EST. [Someone remind me]

Now, go do that voodoo that you do sooo weeeeellll! 

872 Comments on Contest! Replace one word in a movie title with…

  1. Valley Of The Tushy. And just for barry, The Manchurian Tushy. Why was there never a James Bond babe named Tushy Galore? 2001, A Space Tushy. The Princess Tushy. An obscure one, I Was A Tushy For The FBI. The Invisible Tushy etc. etc. Bad sci fi, Attack Of The 50 Foot Tushy. I’ve got a million of them

  2. Hateful Tushy

    Stormy Tushy

    Tushies of the Field

    Up The Down Tushy

    Coming to Tushy

    Tushy Sings The Blues

    Tushy Is Burning

    Tushy Fever
    Monster’s Tushy

    Imitation of Tushy

    The Great White Tushy

    The Last King of Tushy

    The Princess Tushy

    Tushy Wash

    Dang basketball game was replay!!!!!

  3. Eat Tushy Love

    Tushy for Elephants

    The Life of Tushy

    The Accidental Tushy

    West Side Tushy

    The Blues Tushy

    The Rocky Horror Tushy Show

    Phantom of the Tushy

    My Fair Tushy

    Tushy On The Roof

    Mamma Tushy