Continued Palestinian Aid Breaks the Law – IOTW Report

Continued Palestinian Aid Breaks the Law


Yesterday’s decision by the Obama administration to continue funding for the Palestinian Authority despite its alliance with Hamas terrorists was a blow to the cause of peace as well as a slap in the face to the state of Israel. The administration thinks it can hide behind the pretense that such aid isn’t going to Hamas because it is shielded by a Cabinet of technocrats that have been appointed by PA leader Mahmoud Abbas won’t include a member of the terror group. But no one is fooled by this scam. Hamas is now an integral part of the PA apparatus. Since Hamas has not dropped its call for Israel’s destruction and the slaughter of its population, arguments that it has been co-opted by the supposedly more moderate Fatah can’t be taken seriously. The unity agreement is based on a common abhorrence for peace that is shared by the rank and file of both major Palestinian movements, a point that is proved by Fatah’s repeated rejection of Israeli peace offers and decision to strike a deal with Hamas rather than Israel.

This is a body blow to the cause of peace since without U.S. pressure or even a gesture in the direction of accountability, it’s clear the Palestinian leadership will never recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state no matter where its borders are drawn.

But as frustrating as this betrayal may be for the broad bipartisan pro-Israel coalition in Washington, this is not just a matter of bad policy. By keeping U.S. taxpayer dollars flowing to the PA, the administration is breaking the law. As Senators Mark Kirk and Marco Rubio pointed out in a letter to Secretary of State Kerry yesterday, U.S. law clearly states that continuing aid to the PA if it has entered into a pact with Hamas is illegal under the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006.



10 Comments on Continued Palestinian Aid Breaks the Law

  1. There will never be peace with the US aiding the Perpetual Poisonous “Palestinians” and clobbering the State of Israel at every turn. This mirrors Jimmah Carter and HIS economic stagnation. There is something to forging and refining an alliance with Israel, not the other way around.

  2. @bullman No one will stop this. Barry, Harison J. Blondell (or what ever other names attributed) can do as he pleases. Makes me wonder where will it go from here – not a pretty thought.

  3. What law? At present there is no controlling legal authority.

    We are presently living in a post Constitutional era.

    It is the bat eared punk ass prezzy and his minions playing catch me if you can. While…. The Chief Justice of the SCOTUS is nothing but a corrupt politician and is obviously for sale while Marble Mouth McConnell and Fake Tan Crybaby Boehner are saying go for it.

  4. At this rate He’ll be selling nuclear components to Iran and poison gas precursors to Syria by the end of the month. If he could betray the world to brain eating space aliens he’d be doing that too.

  5. I think it’s pretty clear that we are in a virtual dictatorship because the goddamn senate under the democrats and that sack of shit Harry Reid will never vote to impeach that communist, muslim sack of shit in the White House right now. So Obama can do damn near whatever the fuck he pleases without worry.

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