Cooler Heads Did Not Prevail – IOTW Report

Cooler Heads Did Not Prevail

31 Comments on Cooler Heads Did Not Prevail

  1. “I can appreciate and criticize locations at my leisure.”

    Your leisure does not match your redirect. It’s a fair question. If Florida is utopia why do you live in Las Vegas? Cheap Hookers is a fair answer.

  2. Fleeing?

    He rode his bike right into their trap. There were 4 cops surrounding him within 3 seconds of iglooing him.

    Was it unnecessary use of force? Yes, if he was black. If he was white, it was less lethal force and a freak accident.

    clown world.

  3. Not seeing where the guy was a threat to the cops.
    Not taking up for the bad guy, but aren’t the cops only supposed to kill you if they are (or “feel”) threatened?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I was walking in Seattle near the Nordstrom and the police were chasing a guy when a guy in a suit nonchalantly just tripped the guy and sent him head first into a concrete planter. If he survive it would be a miracle.


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