Coordination Test? – IOTW Report

Coordination Test?

Rachel, in a naked glamor photo shoot, proves that not only is she black, but she could scratch her head and rub her hooha at the same time.



43 Comments on Coordination Test?

  1. How is it possible we are still talking about this woman. She is obviously deranged and she has trouble communicating on a basic level. She doesn’t have the qualities that typically have oglers clicking in, so please tell me her 15 minutes are over.

  2. The photo of her as a young girl shows a homely person with no self esteem. Somewhere in her life (probably college) she started redefining herself to her liking and went in the complete opposite direction. Her redefining didn’t have any limits (the truth be damned) and she ended up as the mess she is. (If you want to redefine yourself the Tony Robbins course works much better.)

  3. Funny how hard she’s working at covering that ass in that picture.

    I thought that was show piece that “brings all the boys in the yard” (see how that’s not racist since I used song lyrics to indicate that Black men like women with “junk in the truck,” “cause the other Brothers can’t deny.” ; ) )

  4. If she paid money for ‘glamour photography’ she got ripped off.

    OTOH, it would make a great promo poster if she were to tour the nation performing at Comedy Clubs.

  5. How idiotic can she get?
    That contrived pose and all the dried seaweed look ridiculous.
    In her delusional state, she probably DID think she looked like Bo Derek.
    However, in spite of the myopic Vietvet and Boobie’s perceptions, she looks NOTHING like the stunning Bo.

    Rachel is to Bo Derek as the 6-year old in his Superman PJ’s is to the REAL Superman.

  6. She just figured out early who gets the gravy and decided to join the train. The rest of us have a little too much pride to join up with the government favored group of haters and moochers.

  7. That’s hilarious! It looks like something someone here might ‘shop to make fun of her.

    And now I have to pick the rice out of my keyboard with tweezers. (use caution when reading IOTWr while having Chinese for lunch)

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