Cop Cleared of Wrongdoing in This Shooting – IOTW Report

Cop Cleared of Wrongdoing in This Shooting

Guy came out of his truck awkwardly and lifted up his wallet

I thought cops only shot black guys?

19 Comments on Cop Cleared of Wrongdoing in This Shooting

  1. Another cop gets away with attempted murder.

    Course, the guy prolly shoulda stayed in the vehicle with the window down and both hands on the wheel, holding the wallet – or, better yet, driver’s license and registration.

    A cop that scared needs to find other work – like herding rabbits, or something.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “that was murder.”
    Not. However, I did read the article. Didn’t get pissed until I read the phooking wankers’ comments from the brits in their shiitehole paradise.

    I pray for both of them as they cope with their mental anguish… both for different reasons.

  3. He was ordered to show his hands. He’s acting erratically. LEO has guns drawn indicating they were spooked about something.When he finally hops out with hands down and wallet in both hands it easily could have been mistaken as a gun. That almost looked like suicide by cop to me. By the way, the guy didn’t die.

  4. Yeah I have to take my comment about murder back. You can’t judge these things by short video clips. You have to know the whole circumstances. And Big Gun is right about the ignorant comments at the link to the article.

  5. Here is the dumbest comment I saw:

    “hotsexymillenial, NYC, United States, 11 minutes ago
    Wow, it seems he got the Bl a ck treatment! …only, he survived. Usually they sh00t the unarmed bl ack teens, with their hands up (no wallet, or gun in hand)”

    Maybe – hotsexymillenial, maybe not. Clearly not very smart.

  6. So nice to see that everyone who isn’t a cop is still a 2nd class citizen.

    So you can force anyone you like into an interaction with you whether they want to or not, shoot them, and then later come up with some bullshit story about how you thought they *might* be dangerous – and get away with it, clean.

    Must be nice to be above the law. Cops are scum.

  7. It was a judgement call the officer had a fraction of a second to make. It was either his life or theirs. If there is anybody who says they would have waited, they are full of the stuff that makes grass grow green.

  8. Since there is no racial element here … what’s THE lesson that any white or black person can take away from this?

    NEVER have anything in your hand if a cop tells you to get out of your vehicle. SHOW your hands. When he asks for your driver’s license, tell him “It’s in the glove compartment, I didn’t grab it cause I didn’t want anything in my hands when I got out.”

    That poor guy was probably drunk and he parked the truck on a downward slope, so he had difficulty getting out of the car. Then he was concerned that the cop needed to see his ID so he had his wallet in his hand. That a mistake I COULD HAVE made myself had I not seen this video

  9. “So you can force anyone you like into an interaction with you whether they want to or not…”

    Getting off a cruise ship in Victoria, Canada a few years ago, my family and I had to pass the Canadian Border checkpoint near the ship. I had just reached the “border” line when I realized the rest of my family had stopped thirty feet back to tie some shoes. So I stopped before the border line to wait, since there are no other passengers dismantling at the time. One of the two young Canadian SWAT tactical jackboots said, “You can move along, now.”

    That rubbed me the wrong way, but I kept my cool, looked him in the eye, and said, “I’m just w-”

    “What are we having, a staring contest?”, piped up the second jackboot. At that point, my stragglers arrived, and I just sucked it up, went on into Canada. Experience with Affirmative Action many years ago had taught me how to stay free and on my feet.

    Maybe clothing does indeed make the man. Maybe some of these jumped-up jackasses would be a sight more polite if they were wearing yellow jumpsuits and skechers, instead of combat couture.

  10. The Airman was shit faced drunk. Drivers had called it in. There’s damage on the drivers side of his Envoy. That’s why the truck drivers there. Did he try and run from the cops when they attempted to pull him over? Possibly. But this worked out a hell of a lot better than him killing a family with his car. I hate drunk drivers.
    Most departments are poorly trained with weapons and tactics. The good cops go get that training on their own.

  11. Thirdtwin

    Smart man. I read on one of those dumb Merc blogs the other day, “What’s the best way to survive an altercation in a foreign land? Don’t get into one.”

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