Cops Arrest Tennessee Man For Huffing Glue – IOTW Report

Cops Arrest Tennessee Man For Huffing Glue

KFI: Police arrested a Tennessee man, who was nicknamed “Captain Jack Sparrow” after they found him huffing glue at Knoxville’s Market Square. When police attempted to detain Sparrow, whose real name is Brian Zielinski, he ran off and told cops to kill him before smashing his head into the sidewalk and kicking officers when they tried to place shackles on his legs. read more

27 Comments on Cops Arrest Tennessee Man For Huffing Glue

  1. Back when I was a young man, guys that looked like that had received a “tune-up” from the friendly neighborhood route patrolman; no arrest, just a “lesson learned.” Everybody then went about their respective business, cops and tunee. No trials. No reports to file. No BOP record.

  2. OT, my epic story of the month. So far. Had to go to the bank today. In the Handicap parking is a brand new black shiny Hell Cat. Paper plates. Some old granny come out of the bank with a walker. Yea, she put her walker in the back seat and climbed in. A manual car. From the bank to the freeway on ramp is about a half mile. I’ll guess she was doing about 120 mph before she had to slam on the binders. I have a new hero.

  3. sorta looks like Robert Downey Jr., in fact that Was him about 25 years ago. and if he would’ve had a bra on his head he’d be robert downey’s weird science twin.

    or Justin Timberlake had a fucking awesome party and this guy had to go and ruin things for everybody.

  4. Huffing glue is illegal in Tennessee?
    Wow! Who woulda thunk it?

    Ever drive through Nashville (and Knoxville ain’t much better)? I figure huffing glue was one of their more benign vices. Either that or they all wreck trying to dodge the giant potholes.

    izlamo delenda est …


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