Correct. – IOTW Report


13 Comments on Correct.

  1. “What if a dog sniffed Donna Lemon’s?”

    What if, indeed, Kcir…

    “…Don gets up, walks around the bar, comes up right up to me and puts his hands down his board shorts. He rubs himself aggressively, his penis and whatever else down there.”

    “Lemon then “shoved his index and middle fingers in Plaintiff’s mustache and under Plaintiff’s nose,’’ according to Hice’s suit, which was filed over the weekend.”

    “And he goes, ‘Do you like p—y or d–k?’ And he kept saying, ‘P or D? P or D?’…”

  2. When I was a kid, my mom explained to me why dogs sniff each other’s asses:
    It was a typical Saturday night, and all the dogs gathered at the firehouse for their weekly night of playing cards. (She pointed to the portrait on the living room wall). In order that they might be more comfortable sitting in their chairs, they each took their tails off and hung them on the wall. All was well and the card games were being enjoyed, when, suddenly, there was a fire alarm! The dogs all jumped up, grabbed a tail and went off to fight the fire. Unfortunately, many of the dogs got the wrong tail, and that is why today you see dogs sniffing each other’s backsides, as they are looking for their proper tail.


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