Correct. – IOTW Report


h/t Doc.

30 Comments on Correct.

  1. I had an employee that put up signage for a “HEALTH EXBO” instead of EXPO.
    And another co-worker who called SMOKING URNS (the large sand filled ashtrays from the old days) SMOKING URINALS!

  2. Err should be Urr and not Air.
    Look it up in any dictionary more than about 30 years old.

    Lenth should be Length.

    Forte (strong point) should be Fort.

    Government should be Demonic Overlords.

  3. We ran into a waitress, to-day, who responded to, “Thank you”, with, “You are welcome”. We were flabbergasted.

    Ain’t never heard no shit like that before. Golly! And shit, yo!

  4. @Erik — Will wonders never cease?!

    One of these days when I thank a “wait person” and I hear “Not a problem” I’m going to snap and shout, “I don’t give a rat’s ass whether it’s a PROBLEM or not! It’s your fucking JOB!”

  5. If you were worried about my fucking spoon… you may need to rethink life on earth.

    Of course! Of course, what? And get off my lawn!

  6. This got me thinking about state/regional sayings. My favorites in Ohio are ‘yeah, no’ and ‘no, yeah’ which I use all the time. I have finally given in to the ‘Pop’ because no one understands ‘soft drink’ or the very old possibly Southern ‘dope’ not to be confused with the Midwest ‘ope’. Or cornfused as one of my employees used to say.

  7. They’re, Their and There – you’d be shocked how many people don’t know the difference.

    That last one on the cup caught me, well played graphic designer.


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