Correct Grammar Is Now ‘Racist’ – IOTW Report

Correct Grammar Is Now ‘Racist’

Daily Signal:

Walter E. Williams 

Just when we thought colleges could not spout loonier ideas, we have a new one from American University.

They hired a professor to teach other professors to grade students based on their “labor” rather than their writing ability.

The professor that American University hired to teach that nonsense is Asao B. Inoue, who is a professor at the University of Washington in Tacoma in interdisciplinary arts and sciences. He is also the director of the university’s writing center.

Inoue believes that a person’s writing ability should not be assessed, in order to promote “anti-racist” objectives. Inoue taught American University’s faculty members that their previous practices of grading writing promoted white language supremacy.

Inoue thinks that students should be graded on the effort they put into a project.

The idea to bring such a professor to American University, where parents and students fork over $48,459 a year in tuition charges, could not have been something thought up by saner members of its academic community.

Instead, it was probably the result of deep thinking by the university’s diversity and campus life officials. read more

29 Comments on Correct Grammar Is Now ‘Racist’

  1. “Instead, it was probably the result of deep thinking by the university’s diversity and campus life officials…”

    Hey guys, I think I’ve found out who tried to trademark “The” at Ohio State. Oh wait, I’m not supposed to say “guys” in mixed up company. Sorry, guys.

  2. My Summer Vacation

    By: A.B. “Rock”

    Me an my mutha fukin homies got buzee, know what I’m sayin’? Erry day it was crackin’. Niggaz going hard in tha paint ERRY DAY to get dat money.
    No joke on tha for real we wuz keepin’ it one hunnet.

    So this one time we wuz rollin’ by tha park an my lil’ nigga trappy saw deez fools from southside, so we roll up on em’ and it wuz straight BANGIN wif people runnin erry which way on da street, know what I’m sayin?

    Anyway, I caught a case over that beef an now I’m in pretrial tryin’ look good fo duh judge so that’s why I’ma in this here class but I be up out a here in a minute if my lawyers no good.

  3. i get really triggered when people don’t use the subjunctive tense after the word “if”…..

    it’s not “if i was king” that the cowardly lion sang..

    all y’all know it was “if i WERE king”

    and also, the only reason the self-aware computer on the moon believed manny was that he used the subjuntive…….(moon is a harsh mistress)

    let’s eat, gramma!….. let’s eat gramma!

    grammar, which includes punctuation, is important….not rayciss……these days, lawns are rayciss, forks are rayciss, everything is rayciss…

    don’t ask about about channon christian and christian newsom……black people can’t be rayciss, after all…..

    those kids were targeted because they were white…they were tortured in unspeakable ways…..they were disposed of like garbage…

    no racism to see here, move along folks….

    the “persons of color” who tortured and killed these two young white people JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE WHITE PEOPLE cannot possibly be rayciss on account of they are “persons of color”…….

    as long as we accept these rules, we’ll be the victims of these hate crimes, with no access to redress….

    once we decide to FIGHT against this belief that only whites can be rayciss……maybe we can get some prosecutions of ignorant thugs playing the “polar bear” game, or the many other unprosecuted crimes by “darkies” in this country against the hated “whitey”…..

    not holding my breath

  4. Sheeit! Like, stuff, an’ shit! You know, like, man! I mean what the fuck? Shit. Like, you know, like, fuck, and shit? I mean, like, fuck, and like, you know, like, uuhh, what the fuck, you know, and like, you know, like fuck! And shit!

  5. Ay man, this is mutha fukin Ainglish class. Shine up yo game, nigga.


    Erry body know day means day while dey means dey niggas over dere.

    I just roll WEXTSYDE nigga, I don’t know how dem fools back Eask slang it.

    Shout out to muh lil’ nigga Trappy b.

  6. Teacher teaching Faust…

    “Like, what happened?”

    “Oh, you know, like, there was this bad, you know, like, dude…”

    I can’t EVEN like, fake it like, you know, these clowns for too long. You see what I’m saying, and shit?

  7. Shout out to Trappy B, and Junebug, who are fucking retards, but it’s Brandon and Nathan. They are fucking retards, too.

    I shouldn’t use real names. I should X that shit out. But I won’t. Fuck ’em.

  8. It’s wind talkin niggas like Erik that give playas in tha game a bad name. Why you stirrin’ up beef, nigga?

    It’s like AB Rock alway say, USE THAT MUTHA FUKIN OXFORD COMMA’ SON.

    Peace out

  9. The above examples all use standard syntax but various spellings and casual words. There is also nonstandard syntax, which includes a near absence of punctuation and changes of verb tense, and shifting between singular and plural word forms.

    This not a trait confined to African American students. I see it among all races and ethnicities. It seems more connected to generation than to ethnic or cultural origin.

    There are still a lot of students out there who write and communicate well, and desire to improve the precision of their language.

    When academic institutions abandon grading they abandon education. This does a terrible disservice to marginal students who have been poorly taught at lower levels and who would benefit from developing their communication competencies.

    The good professor no doubt believes that correct grammar and language usage is a racist remnant of a fading white supremacy. But every culture in the world values clarity in language. It is not a trait of oppression but of civilization.

  10. By the way, my extremely caucasian, high school student son has many friends of many backgrounds, races and skin tones and when they be rappin’, they all sound alike. It has little to do with melanin and everything to do with culture.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  11. William Penn said, “Speak properly and in as few words as you can but always plainly for the end of speech is not ostentation but to be understood.” That is the point of all communication, written or oral–to be understood. It’s why this crap makes no sense and it’s why choosing your own pronouns makes no sense.

  12. Greaseman told this story of standing on the corner with the “bros” bullshitting when another “bro” comes up the sidewalk yammering “… shi juba duh hsi shil kan blah blah yo!” So Grease turns to one of the “bros” an ax “whas he doing?” to which the “bro” replies “Oh, he jus catchin up wi da conversation.”
    (“bro” be interchangeable with “yo”)

    Ain’t much changed in 30 years.

    izlamo delenda est …


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