Corrine Brown (D-FL) Is Grandstanding About Grandstanding – IOTW Report

Corrine Brown (D-FL) Is Grandstanding About Grandstanding

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Corrine ‘Go Gata!’ Brown

Eagle Rising

Democrat Calls Republican Anger at VA Scandal “Grandstanding”

In what may be the worst ever case of the pot calling the kettle black, Representative Corrine Brown (D-FL) is once again calling out others for their “political grandstanding.” Last time it was Republicans in general, this time it’s Florida Governor Rick Scott (R-FL).

Most of Rep. Brown’s career has been couched in political grandstanding and vicious hyperbole — she’s allowed to do this because she’s a Democrat — but she will feign righteous indignation at “grandstanding” whenever it suits her purposes.

In fact, her anger at Republican grandstanding… sure seems a lot like… grandstanding. Go figure.



23 Comments on Corrine Brown (D-FL) Is Grandstanding About Grandstanding

  1. The world must be preparing for some great cataclysmic event for any human being to give any consideration to what this moron says.

    Why does it even have a microphone? How is it possible that something this disingenuous, this petty, this mean-spirited, this retarded, be elected to public office?

    $18 Trillion in debt.
    $220 Trillion in unfunded liabilities.
    Christ Almighty under attack by Lilliputians.
    Deranged midget billionaires (formerly) buying NYC mayorship.

    Turn out the lights; the Republic’s over.

  2. While wearing a Mastodon Nut Sack on your head might prompt envy in some caves and Homo-Ergaster parties, her use of Indo-Gibberish fertility chants as allegory ruins the authenticity of her performance.

  3. Whenever I’m feeling down and low, I listen to that

    spirited Go Gata speech, and, miraculously, make it

    through another day…laughing hysterically.

  4. One day, Corrine Brown is going to stand up from her seat, turn around, and throw her wig at the wall.

    And that can be the epitaph for our country.

    Founded by white men wearing white powdered wigs, now being run by hot ghetto messes in weaves.

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