Corruption Has Consequences – IOTW Report

Corruption Has Consequences


When Obama wanted to get his way, legal or not, he liked to say elections have consequences. Well, corruption has consequences. Much of what we are seeing today is the result of decades of political, civil, social and academic corruption and upheaval, much of it instigated by a political party with a nefarious agenda.

Politicians have long turned their backs on a now frustrated citizenry. Their refusal to listen to anything average Americans have to say and the inability of citizens to get the attention of a political establishment has given Donald Trump, will all his faults, a voice bigger than they ever could have imagined. And they hate him for it. They despise him for meeting the people where they are, huddling with them at their level, even having a Big Mac, and knowing he enjoyed it. The voters finally had a President that was going to take care of them. And he did.

A party that condones the killing of unborn children right up to birth should not preach morality to anyone

The opposition went out of their way to destroy him, even kicking him when he was down. How anyone could withstand years of that kind of abuse and still achieve such monumental successes tells me God was with him.

In a moment of rare candor during the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters a ‘basket of deplorables.” For that brief moment, her Party revealed a level of contempt for more than half of the country, the hard-working Americans, supported by an equally sanctimonious and complicit press. more

h/t Not at all confused.

21 Comments on Corruption Has Consequences

  1. LBS, as somebody said, they’re playing pinata with a hornets nest. One or more of the elites is going to get killed if they don’t quit swinging the stick. Maybe that’s what they want, so they can crack down hard. Sure seems like it.

  2. “Corruption Has Consequences ”

    I’m not seeing the consequences. They are herding us into the pens. Getting us ready for slaughter. WTF? They’re five steps ahead of us at all times. In case ya never figured it out, I’m a sore loser. Trump better be calling that Insurrection Act.

  3. You may be asking yourself, “Just who is this political party with a nefarious agenda instigating upheaval?”…. DO NOT BE FOOLED… it’s the UNi-Party.

    I’ll go ahead and make sure everyone gets a copy of the memo.

    On Jan 6., President Donald J. Trump did murder in cold blood, the two-party myth.

  4. I know, there’s a whole bunch of people that haven’t been seen very often. The media is complicit in not only hiding the corruption, but they are even hiding the criminals behind the corruption. We’re pretty close to someone getting really pissed off.

  5. Great article. It sums up everything that has been happening.
    He’s right about the politicians.
    Spicer had 2 old Rinos on last night, including Trent Give a lott.
    They did just what this article talks about. Offered the old tired ineffectual ideas we all hate.
    The corruption will eventually come back on the corrupt. Not as soon as we like but give them enough rope and they’ll hang themselves.

  6. The haves. The have nots.
    Hard workers. Lazy
    Conservative. Liberal
    Moral. Immoral
    Compassionate. Hateful
    Look to God. Look to man
    Wants to earn. Wants it free
    Respectful. Disrespectful
    Family loyal. Crowd loyal
    Respects law. Disrespects law
    Individual. Part of a herd
    Patient. Impatient
    Wisdom earned. Knows better at 21
    Better. Worse
    Health. Sickness
    History taught. Professors taught
    Builds up. Tears down
    Reasonable. Know it all
    Peaceful. Violent
    Etc. Etc.

    There are lots of different kinds of people in the world but it seems in America these days there are basically two differing types. I believe in coexisting with folks of differing opinions but not those who want to destroy the world as I know it and take what I have spent a lifetime earning giving it to someone who doesn’t understand the value of it or use it properly all in the name of so called fairness.


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