Countering Their False Narrative – IOTW Report

Countering Their False Narrative

“The Daily Beast” has an opinion piece this morning that argues Republicans are Neo-Confederates, blatantly whitewashing the truth that the Democrat Party has been and will always remain racist. They even go so far as to put Lee and his generals in brown instead of their faded gray and to drive their false narrative further for the idiots who read their tripe, put GOP stickers on their uniforms. Here

Allen West corrects the record in one quick tweet. Here

As does Carol Swain with a well referenced Prager U video on why the modern South votes Republican today. Watch

3 Comments on Countering Their False Narrative

  1. I rarely read any opinion piece that has no true facts in it at all. Congratulations, Daily Beast, you have succeeded in a reality free article.

    Do the reading, as Dr. James Flannery would say. Let’s get the one decent thing the Democrats did for civil rights out of the way – LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act which was introduced by, championed by and passed by Republicans. Aside from that (which LBJ did for crass political reasons), the party of the KKK has done nothing else for the black community.

    We can argue all we want, but the Democrats need to answer just one question: what have you folks done that is of real value to the black community. The answer is “nothing” except keep blacks in ghettos, destroy the black family, and hand out enough cash to keep Democrats in power.


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