Counties switching to hand counting ballots as election integrity advocate provides model – IOTW Report

Counties switching to hand counting ballots as election integrity advocate provides model

JTN: Counties across the U.S. are switching to hand-counting election ballots instead of using electronic tabulation machines over concerns about the accuracy and security of the devices.

At the forefront of the transition is election integrity advocate Linda Rantz, who says her model, now being used in a Missouri county, is less expensive than critics continue to say it is.

While the security of the country’s election system has always been a concern, the matter burst into the public eye in the 2020 presidential election, amid the concerns of then-President Trump and others about the reliability and transparency of voting machines.

Early this year, the board of supervisors in California’s Shasta County, with over 110,000 registered voters, decided to move to hand-counting for all of its elections, after voting in January to terminate its contract with Dominion Voting Systems over concerns about its voting machines.

“There is a great sense they would like to return to something simpler and safer and more secure from outside hacking,” said county Board of Supervisors Chairman Patrick Jones.

Dominion in more recent months became the center of attention over the security of its and similar voting machines. more here

15 Comments on Counties switching to hand counting ballots as election integrity advocate provides model

  1. Won’t make one damn difference. The cheating will continue in the counties where it matters, and the GOP will scratch the area where their balls once were and wonder how they gave away another election.

  2. ^^^^^ Maricopa County is damned conservative. They have probably 20 communists fucking their shit up. It would certainly help in that situation as well as a few counties in Georgia.

  3. I still would like a printed voting receipt with a bar code printed on it that I can later verify. Like going to the store and getting a receipt so things can be checked and verified if needed.

  4. OH! and @ Cmn¢¢guy at 6:48 pm,
    “They need to be treated like J6 prisoners.”
    Executed for high treason! TFIFY

  5. “Shazam, let’s hand count 2024, should be done by 2028 right?”

    How is it that in the pre-computer era, we used to know who won by midnight?

    And Jay Valentine is right. States should have to cross-check their voter rolls with property tax rolls. States don’t mess around with their revenue source. That shit is scary accurate.

  6. GWB is “Made than Hell” his Canucks MAY be unable to fabricate/ contrive “votes”. I say MAY because the “Bush Republicans’ have pushed DOMINION for 20 years; and done so with win after win.
    BRAD mentioned GA above! “Bush Republicans” have DOMINION behind a well fortified, liberal rampart in GA!
    DOMONION will falsify votes in GA! As it has done for years!


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