Courtroom Sketch Artist Nonplussed by the Left’s Hatred for His Rendering of President Trump – IOTW Report

Courtroom Sketch Artist Nonplussed by the Left’s Hatred for His Rendering of President Trump

Boston Globe

[William] Hennessy [jr], who graduated from Rhode Island School of Design in 1979, has 40 years of experience sketching courtroom scenes and took the criticism in stride.

“It’s rare I get any kind of feedback,” Hennessy said in a phone interview.

The artist said he’d received mixed reviews (about “fifty-fifty,” he said) of his sketches of Trump — some good, some bad.

“Some said he looked too thin, too young, and some said he looked too good,” Hennessy said, noting that the negative feedback seemed to come from people who “didn’t care much for Trump.” More

8 Comments on Courtroom Sketch Artist Nonplussed by the Left’s Hatred for His Rendering of President Trump

  1. “Nonplussed?”

    We have shitloads of people illiterate in cursive writing and they dredge up nonplussed?

    The thing bothers me most is not how many have no idea what the word means, it’s how many won’t even bother to look it up.

    Just another reminder I’m far past my ‘Use By’ date.

    Sorry guys, inna’ foul mood. Found out today I gotta’ get some of my heart muscle flambeed (ablation) because it’s running amok.

  2. The idiot left can’t deny this sketch artist is very talented. His realistic, precise renderings are to be commended. He has a sharp eye for details and color. Accurate sketch studies aren’t easy. You have to have skill and the reason why he’s chosen to sketch high profile court cases. Admired Hennessy’s work for years.

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