Cover Girl – IOTW Report

Cover Girl

We’re well over a year now with the new first couple and there hasn’t been one magazine cover featuring first lady Melania Trump. Michelle Obama had graced the covers of Time, Good Housekeeping, Vogue, even TV Guide to name but a few during the same time frame when she resided in the White House. Estimates are that the former first lady graced 30 different magazine covers during the eight years her husband was president. It all seems strange considering Melania was actually a  fashion model and had been on the cover of Vanity Fair, Vogue and other magazines even after marrying Donald Trump and changing her last name from Knavs to Trump. More


36 Comments on Cover Girl

  1. Melania is better off, NOT being on the covers of those rags. She is class, beauty, and taste — personified…. what do they know about those things ??

    They would only write snide comments about her, no matter what she said or did.

  2. “Michelle Obama had graced the covers of Time, Good Housekeeping, Vogue, even TV Guide to name but a few …”

    An obvious strategy that backfired. At least we’re saving trees because people no longer buy those rags.

    BTW, where is that glorious beast these days? Grazing far afield? lol

  3. @Loretta in Indiana April 19, 2018 at 12:08 pm

    >Melania is better off, NOT being on the covers of those rags. She is class, beauty, and taste — personified…. what do they know about those things ??
    They would only write snide comments about her, no matter what she said or did.

    Loretta, I agree with you. The magazines are sick and she is better off not appearing on their covers. Conservatives should not bother with them.

  4. Just for kicks, I searched for Michelle Obama Magazine Covers and Melania Trump Magazine Covers. Clicked on images.

    There is definitely a difference. Much of Melania’s covers are older, not from 2018. Michelle has more covers even if you add the “2018” to the search term.

    Also, most of Melania’s cover pages are negative stories about her marriage to Trump.

  5. If you want to see serious bias in action, do a Google or Bing search on Trump Magazine Covers and Obama Magazine Covers. See which one has the most negative, which one has the most positive. You will be surprised (but not really).

  6. Like all things Left, the magazines and press (they are nothing but PR firms) have to present a reality that doesn’t exist.

    The Trumps didn’t require anyone to “make” them.

    The 0bamas are different; Barack was literally a creation and then escorted into the Halls of Power to serve an agenda. Michelle had to be fashioned (in a table cloth, for some reason) and presented to us as someone to regard.

    Both were “made” into people of great achievement that we should admire; this required constant PR coverage.

  7. Now what would drive the left to suicide is have our gorgeous first lady grace the cover of a couple NRA publications. Maybe Guns and Ammo or Recoil magazine. Especially holding an AR.

  8. The print media is dying.

    They cater to the liberal leaning base with a partiality toward perversion of hollywood and marxist academia.

    Magazines are still available to confined audiences in hospitals, Doctors and Dentists waiting rooms. Yet even there, they are a choice of last resort to the use of electronic devices.

  9. joe6pak

    Yea, some camo face paint, a Rambo head band, and a
    Kill Them All, Let God Sort Them Out” tee shirt. That would probably guarantee Trumps re election too.

  10. Missus Trump is graced with brains, class, and natural beauty. Those other two? Blech. Hillary is mean, ugly, and nasty to the bone. The silver back Sasquatch needs all the help it can get to convince the masses it has any redeeming qualities outside a zoo.

  11. @Bad_Brad not just holding an AR but SHOOTING it, then show the target with 6 or 7 bullseyes and her comment, “That was fun!” You’d hear nothing but pop! pop! pop! all over the country as prog heads exploded like festering pimples.

  12. I wonder how much of the leftists fawning over the Mooch’s ”beauty” (😂) was the good old leftist soft bigotry of low expectations. They all can see Mooch is no beauty but because she is black they must help her to appear beautiful, brilliant, dressed exquisitely, etc, by forcing the idea down everyone’s throat. If someone notices she is none of these things and points it out then THAT person is the bigot. Oh, yeah and sophomoric jealousy of Melania plus deranged hatred of Trump.

  13. A better comparison would be Laura Bush and her first year. Michelle got on the covers because she’s black and the magazines dared not to give her a cover lest they be tarred with the racist brush. To be fair though being the first black FLOTUS played a part.

  14. The contrast between Melania and the First Wookie is just too much for them to handle. After 8 years of staring adoringly at that scowling visage, they don’t recognize real beauty anymore.


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