Coverage of the Colorado Wildfire Ceased Immediately After It Was Learned It Was Started By an Illegal Alien – IOTW Report

Coverage of the Colorado Wildfire Ceased Immediately After It Was Learned It Was Started By an Illegal Alien


Network news outlets have abruptly stopped covering the Spring Fire in Colorado, which previously had been receiving consistent airtime since late June. The dearth of new reporting is not due to the story having flamed out; on Monday morning the fire was declared the largest in the state, and it remains only five percent contained. Interestingly, coverage across ABC, CBS, and NBC ceased completely once it was revealed that the man responsible for starting the wildfire was an illegal alien.


8 Comments on Coverage of the Colorado Wildfire Ceased Immediately After It Was Learned It Was Started By an Illegal Alien

  1. I looked at four pages that came up after an internet search on his name. HuffPost has a story on him, but the major media has nothing. Not ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, or any other big media outlets.


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