COVERUP OF THE CENTURY: Leaked Documents Expose Extent Of Communist China’s Coronavirus Lies/Disinfo/ Censorship – IOTW Report

COVERUP OF THE CENTURY: Leaked Documents Expose Extent Of Communist China’s Coronavirus Lies/Disinfo/ Censorship

Geller Report: Thousands of internal directives and reports expose how Chinese officials stage-managed what appeared online in the early days of the outbreak.

Called “The Wuhan Files”, the report reveals evidence of mishandling and purported destroying of evidence, based on a 117-page document marked “internal document, please keep confidential”.

The documents reveal that China’s censorship on information about the outbreak began in early January, before coronavirus had even been decisively identified.

China deliberately misled the world in the early stages of Wuhan’s Covid-19 outbreak, suppressed evidence, and mishandled the pandemic, stated a report published by CNN.

The Times reported that the documents include more than 3,200 directives and 1,800 other files from the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), the country’s Internet regulator located in the eastern city of Hangzhou. Also included were files and code from Urun Big Data Services, a Chinese company that produces software used by the government to track online discussions and oversee troops of online commenters.


28 Comments on COVERUP OF THE CENTURY: Leaked Documents Expose Extent Of Communist China’s Coronavirus Lies/Disinfo/ Censorship

  1. And Turdeau swallowed balls deep with the bruises on his chin!

    Only 1 Guy stood up, beat it, and showed the world that fighting was the answer not cowering in a basement like a Frenchman in WW2.


  2. Brad – “…This was a coordinated attack on the American economy and it’s citizens perpetrated by the Chinese and the DNC…”

    I do not disagree that it was a coordinated attack by the CCP, but it wasn’t limited to America and it’s citizens. This was a global attack. Now the ultimate target and objective probably was to force America into submission, since we are(were) the last satnd of freedom.

    The globalist are in control and command of this attack. China provided the weapon and the model with which to control a global population. The sheer size of the Chinese population makes them a force to reckon with that globalist elites have to manage (and appease?) in order to pull this off.

    Trump MUST be inaugurated for a second term, or totalitarianism wins.

  3. Brad, I don’t quite understand your comment.

    Number one: Are you saying that spreading the virus to other countries was a cover for the real purpose of infecting the U.S.?

    And two: Yes we are the world’s economy. What’s your point? This is about globalists who are in reality bigger and more powerful than China – not in bodies and military power, but in financial power.

    What would China achieve if they were to destroy Europe and cripple America militarily, but in so doing destroy their economy? My belief is that there is an unholy alliance between the globalists and China: you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

    We are the only power on this planet that can keep them from scratching each other’s back.

  4. Speaking of the Wuhan, take a gander at the Tony Heller link I posted in the Bull Pen. If you aren’t thinking twice about taking the vaccine this may change your mind.

  5. Hey Trump! See ya later! I’ll be deleting and removing my contact information for your multiple texts and emails every two to three hours. Don’t ask me for any more donations. I still admire you for the job you tried to do, but it seems we are being flushed down the toilet.

  6. @ Brad/Joe6

    I did not want to comment but here goes:

    USA & China are the 2 biggest economies and armies period and.

    Europe has been on the down slide for 60 years with low birth rates, economies that rely on the USA & China to purchase and produce their shitless Mercedes cars & “Luxury” items.

    Euro Fags, Brits, Canada, Australia etc. have no fucking way to compete in either forum. The rest of the world is either too corrupt or fucking lazy.

    The USA has the most to lose with its status as the Number one economy & tech in the world with “Chyna” rapidly challenging on EVERY level.

    Is it possible the the “GREAT RESET” is the Faggot countries (and the Democrats) of the world colluding against BOTH the USA & Chyna to avoid what they feel is the inevitable WAR between #1 & #2 and pre carving up the “New World Order” to create the RULING CLASS vs the SUBJUGATED.

    China & the USA are both taking it up the ass while the EU is still trying to make points on every economic transaction in the wold.

    Notice how no one gives 2 fucks about South America & Africa in this scheme as their position in this plan does not change.

    Keep safe all, protect your families, and be suspicious of anyone who says, ” I’m with the government, and I’m here to help”

  7. Kcir, I don’t think the Euro Fags, Brits, Canada, Australia etc. have the backbone to collude against the USA and China both. It’s much more likely they are positioning themselves to be bought out by who they believe to be the ultimate victor.

  8. KCIR

    Just lost a comment do to I was posting to God Damn fast. Was going to blow it off and go to bed but this is important. Pompeo gave a speech about a week ago proclaiming China could never economically catch us do to our ingenuity. That’s true. Until we can no longer reap the benefits due to. And the Chinese know this.

  9. “Pompeo gave a speech about a week ago proclaiming China could never economically catch us do to our ingenuity.”

    Yeah, I don’t buy it. There is no technological innovation created here that they can not steal and replicate over there.

    China is playing the long game, including building military/naval bases all over the world;

    The only hope we had to stay ahead of the rat bastards was to have a president clued in to their antics and to put America first, which is the exact opposite of what the Biden crime family will do.

  10. @Brad

    There a a billion of them, and they are Hungry. Literally hungry. They study calculus, computer science, medicine, and have a government that helps them cheat & steal.

    In the west we study gender, social justice, and are now being taught to give away our wealth.

    I have mentioned it before, but there is an interview with Candace Owens & General Kwast of the USAF regarding China, their spying and their ultimate goals. Everyone should watch it.

    Trump clearly understood Chyna’s true nature. The rest of them have been bought out by Chyna.

  11. @ Joe6Pak

    Dominion Voting is located in Toronto Canada & there is the server in Germany that Sidney Powell is of key importance.

    The population of Chyna is 1.4B + 0.36B or 1.8 ish Billion.
    That leaved 6 Billion people in 3rd through last place.

    The EU was literally established as a free trading zone to counter US economic might.

    A pack of coyotes can take down a couple of wolfs easily especially if the wolves are asleep (thank you Pelosi & Co.)

  12. Kcir

    It’s no secret why China’s advanced fighter looks just like an F35. Hell no they didn’t steal it. It was given to them. Probably interchangeable parts. Stupid fucks should have tried to steal the F22.

  13. The chicomms now own our country. William Barr put the final nail on our nation’s coffin. China will put the squeeze on slowly, like they did in hollywood and our schools and our politicians.
    We need to get out, with all that is due us.

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