Covid Passports – IOTW Report

Covid Passports

ht/ udogu

65 Comments on Covid Passports

  1. Well I guess that’s one step closer to the end times and the required mark for buying and selling foretold by the Apostle John.

    I guess it’ll be my stored up food from now on.

  2. This is the hill that I will choose to die on. I aint getting jabbed!!! The whole plandemic is a population control hoax designed to use fear as the means to their ends.

  3. @stirrin’

    I read a post on twitter from a man whose daughter is in nursing school. She told him that one of her teachers “unofficially” advised her students NOT to get the coronavirus vaccine if they were intending to have any children in the future.

    That was chilling to read.

  4. I just read an article on Gateway Pundit about how nany people in Europe have been killed or injured by the mRNA crap. I won’t be getting jabbed with that shit no matter what.

  5. Is it possible for me to peg the anxiety meter regarding Mom’s memorial celebration in Nevada next weekend?
    Just getting there and back is wigging me out. Masked up for hours and hours. And government just keeps tightening the screws on a daily basis. Every day they ratchet my nuts tighter.

  6. They can go fuck themselves.

    If there is a business that requires vaccine proof, I can find what they sell elsewhere, and the one that doesn’t require it won’t be filled with Karen’s.

    And, hopefully, there is a business that requires it, that has something I can’t get elsewhere. That gives me “standing”. I’ll be the one to start the lawsuits.

    If the flood of illegals the dems and rinos are letting in don’t have to be vaccinated, and I get to pay for them, you aren’t going to put that shit in me.

  7. Then the POTATUS will have to get Congress to amend current laws regarding CDC/FDA approval status making it illegal to force people to participate in clinical trials or take statutorily defined experimental drugs.

    All of the current stuff being referred to as “vaccines” (with the possible exception of the J&J stuff), first off aren’t vaccines as legally and medically defined, and are considered experimental. Read the fine print and you’ll find that in order to get jabbed you have to agree to be a clinical trial guinea pig.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out in all three govt branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

  8. This is going to be a long long long four year’s. 🤨

    I don’t have enough space or time to list the reasons why The Demonrat Party along with the Rinos should be in prison for crime’s against the American people.

    Nobody going to jab me with no stinkin’ needle.

  9. So let me get this straight: certain businesses will be able to deny me service if I cannot provide proof that I have been vaxxed?

    Dang. That just takes all the fun out of boycotting them, doesn’t it?

  10. Lots of lawsuits coming.

    Not that the cowardly judiciary will even allow them to be heard.

    I also see Americans taking road trips again.
    This could be a boon for the rv business.

    Show me your papers!
    Will the enforcers be issued dark gray uniforms?

  11. @Ann Nonymous Prime

    Oh believe me, I’ve read all about Bill Gates and his belief in population control and the potential side effect of the experimental gene therapy shot being sold as a vaccine.

  12. Miss Kitty – my workplace has been announcing we can all get our Moderna vaccines…yeah, the one that killed the woman in Utah. And several idiots have gone through with it and think they are doing the right thing. I’ll be fired before they jab my ass.

  13. @Chuckie March 28, 2021 at 7:31 pm

    “…I’ll be fired before they jab my ass…”

    I actually think that they stick it in your arm, 😉 although it may as well be up your ass for all they care.

  14. The sickening part is the ‘government’ “requires” private enterprise to enforce the ‘laws’ handed down by the ASSHOLES in charge.

    THEN, most businesses cave to said ‘laws’ and dutifully perform the wishes of the masters.

    Hopefully, this shit will eventually culminate in the uprising….which is long past due.

  15. I heard from a couple of sources that the vaccines are not like normal vaccines, where they use inactive/dead viruses to trigger the body’s immune response. This would explain why someone was told that just because they have the vaccine doesn’t mean that they are immune (it supposedly wears off). If true, then the vaccine passports really don’t mean anything (especially if the vaccines are not effective against the variants).

  16. “Hopefully I can get from Virginia to Nevada and back…”

    Flying? I’ve already written that off for 2022. And driving? Transposexual Buttigieg can’t wait to slap us with a mileage tax. In order to collect that tax, the Government will have the know where you’ve been and when you were there. And the fascist korporations will be making that possible.

    I’ve said for awhile that the Great reset is based on mobility: They want us to stay right where we are while they ship everybody else in the world to the places they need everybody else to be. Enjoy your locked down life as an American. i hope the ankle monitor is comfortable as you watch all the new arrivals come and go as they please.

  17. Someone more studied in the subject may know more of this than I do, but doesn’t the current HIPPA laws give an individual privacy over their medical treatments?
    If that were the case an individual would not have to disclose anything about their medical treatments vaccine, mRNA shots or anything else.

  18. I heard from a proud Vax-A-Sheep this weekend that the vaccine shots are only permitted to be given during an “emergency” since they have not received formal FDA Approval.

    If the “emergency” ends, so do the vaccines’ availability. Therefore, the “emergency” will go on as long as needed.

    Final FDA Approval normally requires several years of data… 3, 5, 8 or 10 years even.

    So how long is this nightmare going to persist?

  19. I can’t die on this hill. I have a 13 yr old in private Christian school. Unless I am able to set up enough funds to pay her way thru. If I go, she will end up in public school and that I will do anything to avoid.

  20. Isn’t it strange that cross country travel has no good options. This trip is a necessity, in this instance, for me.

    I did cross country in 1977 to move from Southern California to Virginia. It was terrible. But we didn’t have roving bands of feral animals roving about the country back then.

    No good options. I just want to put this trip behind me and hunker down in the country.

    I am actually glad that mom doesn’t have to witness jackal society of marxists that openly prey on the weak and put their hobnail boots on ordinary citizens trying to provide for their families.

    There is about to be an horrific episode engineered by the marxists, I fear. We’ve got some troubling times ahead.

    All of this makes me uneasy.

    I used to trust military, FBI and, to some degree, government. At one point, the press to report the truth.

    No more.

    I am now surrounded by many enemies. I trust none of them.

  21. You also were allowed to fly without id. Aren’t you allowed to freely travel? That changed with 9/11. More things change with controlavirus. Who puts up a fight today when asked for an id to fly?

  22. I will pay for a forgery before getting the vaccine. Tomorrow is a visit to the specialty surgeon at the ‘we’re gawd almighty main campus of Cleveland Clinic’. Another surgery is needed and the general surgeon says my problem is too complex. . If they demand a Scamdemic vaccine before admission I will have to find a specialty clinic elsewhere – Florida? Texas? I am not taking it. I expect the Clinic will want the massive surgery fees and will let me in for the money.

  23. The next Holocaust won’t be done with camps, guns, and gas chambers. It will be done with “vaccines” and intentional economic devastation and starvation. The global ruling class is all-in on the climate cult, and the climate cult is not about “saving the planet”. It’s about radical human depopulation of the planet in a manner that doesn’t go down in history as a negative but as a positive. This requires covert methods an absolute control of information flow. Hence, everything happening now is being done with the goal of murdering not merely millions but billions before the mid-century point. And it’s not being done to save the planet but to make the planet more available to the ruling class to do whatever it wants to do with it.

  24. JoeBama doesn’t have any cognitive thought left to write a bill. The Marxist Democrats are writing it and JoeBama is around to sign it into law.

    The next phase will be microchip implantation.

    Would an EMP attack really be that bad for the long term survival of us?

  25. Open your eyes my fellow patriots.

    This is just part of the plan to kill every one of our bill of rights with unconstitutional edicts from unelected bureaucrats.

    The right to peaceful assembly
    Freedom of speech
    Right to bear arms
    Protection from search and seizure
    Freedom of movement
    Freedom of religion

    Couple this with the satanuc cabals intent to concentrate us into urban areas and restrict our movement (mileage taxation).

    If you zoom out far enough you begin to see the pattern of our destruction. Every action has been scripted and coordinated by Satan and his willing minions on earth currently.

    Concentrate the population and then depopulate the planet.

    Prepare for the end times patriots its upon us.

  26. @ PHenry,
    I won’t go if I can’t drive. Flock a mask! Fork a covid passport. And when the gubmint figures out how to verify my mileage, I may be done driving.
    My Mom used to say, “one day they’ll figure out how to tax the air we breathe”, there is no limit to government’s desire to keep us in poverty and they are working toward keeping us 2 days from starvation. Flocking communist cork smokers!

  27. Stolen elections have consequences!
    Just like real elections.

    Historically, people absorb a great deal of abuse before they lash out. But once they lash out, all semblance of reason and restraint goes out the window.
    No moderation. Hatred takes the place of disagreement. Every attempt at moderation is seen as treason from the ideal by both sides.
    I’ve never understood why. “A stitch in time saves nine” is pretty sound advice.

    And the people pushing this anti-American, anti-Constitutional, anti-Freedom, anti-Liberty, anti-God agenda know EXACTLY what they’re doing and where it leads. History is available to all. They cannot claim ignorance.

    “… woe to that party which should first be disarmed.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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