Crazy Feminist Warns: SpaceX could nuke us with rocks from our Moon – IOTW Report

Crazy Feminist Warns: SpaceX could nuke us with rocks from our Moon


DT – As insane as this one sounds, it’s sadly true. A feminist running for Congress (a democrat of course) is warning that private corporations will use the moon to hurl “nuclear” rocks at Earth. At least that’s what I think she’s warning about. You be the judge.Brianna Wu is running for the US House of Representatives in Massachusetts and describes herself as both a democrat and a feminist. She noticed an article on Wired about how Elon Musk’s SpaceX company is planning to send a manned mission to the moon next year and because both democrats and feminists freak out over the weirdest things, she freaked out.

Huh? Is she trying to suggest that SpaceX is going to take control of the moon and then “drop” rocks on the Earth, which will then explode with the power of hundreds of nuclear weapons?  MORE

29 Comments on Crazy Feminist Warns: SpaceX could nuke us with rocks from our Moon

  1. I knew something was odd about that face. If I was a man dressing as a woman I would keep my mouth shut.
    There was an episode of Barney Miller, a trucker was dressed as a woman he was not proud like they are today.

  2. He/She/It probably subscribes to the notion that if you say “Elon Musk” backwards and record it atop audio track-two of the Gilligan’s Island theme song, then play it backward at 4X speed, you can hear Donald J. Trump saying, “I don’t have any sixes! Go fish!” This, in turn, is the code word for the Knights Templar to take over Pay Less shoes and begin forcing Americans to wear penny loafers again!

    Seriously. He/She/It is nuts.

  3. Actually,she has a point. She is completely unhinged and possibly clinically insane,BUT you could, with sufficient technology,have a lunar base equipped with a mass driver(an electric powered magnetic rail gun) and (after building the base ,the infrastructure and means to process and smelt large amounts of mainly rocky regolith to extract enough metal to make a projectile large enough to reach ground level without either burning up or breaking up) drop ( technically shoot) rocks on to the Earth. Read “The Moon is a harsh mistress” by Heinlein to get a feel for way such a thing might be done. All that being said, I think the people’s of the Earth might sit up and notice something amiss well befor a threat would be possible. In no way do I think this loon should be taken seriously!!

  4. Brian,
    What I was going to say. Yes, it’s possible. Robert Heinlein’s “The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress” tells how it could be done. Heinlein put the “science” in science fiction.

  5. Yes, you can do it, however the sheer expense of getting an object with mass from the gravity of the moon to the Earth and then striking any target with ANY accuracy not only makes it unfeasible, but absurd.

    Objects with high mass dropped from Earth orbit are dangerous. Trying to lob rocks from the moon to the Earth is just stupid.

  6. A mentally-retarded “demonrat/feminist/tranny” from Taxachusetts?

    It’ll have a lifetime in the House (if it desires) hogging at the trough, fucking the taxpayers of America, spreading its vile and contemptible ideology.

    We need, not just term-limits, but RETARD-LIMITS, as well!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. There’s a sci fi book where that happened, I think it was Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”.

    Pretty sure Musk won’t be setting up equipment like that any time soon.

  8. “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” by Robert A. Heinlein describes just that; using linear accelerators as mass drivers to launch mining payloads to low Earth orbit, reconfigured as weapons to drop loads of rock directly on targets on the surface of the Earth. One target mentioned in the novel was Cheyanne Mountain.

  9. You don’t even have to go back as far as Heinlein, James Corey’s relatively new Expanse series mentions the same threat to gravity well inner planets.
    Since the fed goes so far as to regulate toothpaste though, I am sure they’d have something to say about lunar habitats with city crushing capabilities. For one thing, New Mecca will not be on the list of approved colonies.

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