Creative 2 Word Insults – The Keepers – IOTW Report

Creative 2 Word Insults – The Keepers

The other day I asked for some help creating some new 2 word insults, it’s something that has become sort of a trademark for ie: chocolate starfish. (It’s why we aren’t linked too often by the bigs anymore. We’re a little too, how do you say, authentic.)

After my review of your suggestions, these are the ones that caught my attention. Of course, you could always refer to the list and pilfer the ones you like for your comments, if necessary.


-turd castle         (willysgoatgruff)

-diaper dumpling       (ohio dan)

-schmuck munchers    (bayouwulf)

-ass hamster    (cato)

-poop smoochers     (phenry)

-finger stench     (locoblancosaltine)

-thumb sniffer    (mja)

-scabby nubbins     (illustr8r)

-taint pimple   (cato)

-wino diddler   (organgrinder)

-nerf dick     (Uncle Al)

-barnyard lurker     (poor lazlo)

-testosterGone    (realist)

-schmuck fuckle     (super toe)

-dirt leg      (bad donkey…bad!!!)

-stink pickle    (theclawofbluegrass)

-fudge nugget    (claudia)

You’re all vile, vile people.

Thank you.

And txfella, you’re a bad, bad man. As always, DO NOT SEARCH BLUE WAFFLE!





45 Comments on Creative 2 Word Insults – The Keepers

  1. Georgia Results?

    Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This word is taken from German and literally means “harm-joy”. It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune.

    All that Hollywood money, right down the crapper! 😂

  2. How about “For Sale”?

    I have a bunch of BFH originals I want to get rid of….BFH can raise a pile of money off what I have to offer. I suggest he send the money to Pamela Geller’s charity. What y’all say?

  3. Menderman I will give you 75.00 dollars for the print and you can keep the frame. That way you will not lose money on your art investment and reuse your frame for something that you will enjoy.
    Mr. Hat knows how to get in touch with me or AA.
    Is it a deal?

  4. Menderman I will want to put it in my own frame.
    If that is a deal breaker so be it , his art will be welcomed in our house , if I remember right you were going to throw them in a pile and burn them , so why not sell it to me and find something else to put in your frame that you like.

  5. Geoff C. The Saltine,

    I selected a custom frame for the print….BFH highlighted it and made a post about it, so that is why I say they are inseparable. I have nothing else that is worthy of the custom frame. Buy the frame and the print, and sell the frame as you wish.


    Alt Version of above…
    (Parody Written by: Dave Allman)

    If you, if you could return, don’t let it burn, don’t let it fade.

    I’m sure I’m not being rude, but it’s just your attitude,
    It’s tearing me apart, It’s ruining everything.

    I swore, I swore I would be true, and honey, so did you.
    So what’s that wad of paper in your hand? Isn’t Charmin what we banned?
    Were you wiping all the time? Was it just a game to you?

    I’m usin’ just one sheet. You know I’ve got a stool like you.
    You know I’m just an old folk singer, ah, ha, ha.
    Do you want to smell my finger? Do you want to, do you want to,
    Do you want to smell my finger?

    Oh, I thought the world of you.
    I thought nothing could go wrong,
    But I was wrong. I was wrong.

    If you, if you could get by, using single-ply,
    Things wouldn’t be so confused with so much paper being used,
    But you always really knew, you can’t wipe your poo with two.

    I’m usin’ just one sheet. You know I’ve got a stool like you.
    You know I’m just an old folk singer, ah, ha, ha.
    Do you want to smell my finger? Do you want to, do you want to,
    Do you want to smell my finger?

    I’m usin’ just one sheet. You know I’ve got a stool like you.
    You know I’m just an old folk singer, ah, ha, ha.
    Do you want to smell my finger? Do you want to, do you want to,
    Do you want to smell my finger?

    You know I’ve got a stool like you.
    You know I’m just an old folk singer, ah, ha, ha.
    Do you want to smell my finger? Do you want to, do you want to,
    Do you want to smell my finger?

    Harold Ford, meet Universal Time Works

  7. Sorry Menderman if Mr. Hat had framed it I would take it as is, but because he did not I don’t need the frame. I make my own , like you I am a carpenter. Thanks for giving us a chance to buy it.
    PS. Art in the frame done by the artist is worth more.

  8. Thank you sir. It’s the nicest thing any one’s ever said about me.
    I want a Vile Pride T-shirt!

    Favorites: diaper dumpling from ohio dan and testostergone from realist. Thumbs (unsniffed) up!

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