Creepy “Blue Whale” Suicide Symbol is Openly Glorified In Canada – IOTW Report

Creepy “Blue Whale” Suicide Symbol is Openly Glorified In Canada

Igor’s Newsletter:

Pushing Kids Into Suicide

Suicides in young people are NOT always a result of deeply thought-out and independently made personal decisions. Some children were pushed and groomed into killing themselves by others.

For years, anonymous Internet weirdos would connect to vulnerable children, pretend to be attractive boys or girls looking for a friend, and after gaining confidence, would groom and later push these children into killing themselves. Those weirdos call themselves “blue whales” and use blue whale symbolism, as the 2019 Sun article explains.

6 Comments on Creepy “Blue Whale” Suicide Symbol is Openly Glorified In Canada

  1. My 46 year old former nephew recently ended his life. Depression runs in his family, along with disfunction. He had a stoma and that pushed him too far. During the night, he tied a rope around his neck and an anchor chain to his feet and went over the side of the towboat he was the captain of. Left a wife and two kids. So sad.


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