Creepy Democrats never have to say sorry – IOTW Report

Creepy Democrats never have to say sorry

In the Boston Herald, Howie Carr writes about Senator Sheldon Whitesonlyhouse’s membership at a non-diverse, all-white club.

Oh, but it gets worse. You see, Senator Whitesonly was also a graduate of ‘One of the nation’s most exclusive prep schools ‘ that has a long list of disgusting sexual scandals with students.

From 25 May 2017 [Breitbart|Howie Carr]:

One of the nation’s most exclusive prep schools – whose graduates include both former Secretary of State John F. Kerry and the new Russia probe special counsel Robert Mueller – has just issued a scandalous, astonishingly-detailed 73-page report outlining four decades of X-rated sexual abuse of students by faculty and administrators.

You can read all about that one HERE

19 Comments on Creepy Democrats never have to say sorry

  1. I prefer not saying sorry to being subjected to the insincere bullshit that leftists offer up as an apology. The latter only adds insult to injury in as much as they have absolutely no intention of doing anything to prevent it from happening again or to correct the damage their actions have caused.

    If there is a prog anywhere that is capable of making a sincere apology it certainly is not something I have any experience with. As for their insincere bullshit, I have a lifetime of experience with that and I am in no humor to suffer any of it any longer.

    They have a kitten with a wire tail every time when called out and I have no problem calling out their bullshit.

  2. Prestigious ?
    I suppose if you are from the super wealthy, spending $ Thousands of dollars and don’t mind Jr. and Sissy being drilled by the perverted teachers so your kids can be in the club…….
    That means Mom and Dad are perverted or accepted that life style too.

  3. This helps to explain their fixation on transgenderism, early child sexual indoctrination and the heavy push for public deviant homosexual behavior.
    SCUM!!!!! one and all!

  4. Many have zero understanding of politics. Our founder’s and framer’s saw politics for what it truly is: Corruption of an agreed upon contract written justly to express itself.

  5. Then there is this little tidbit:
    “Hillary Clinton Campaign Official and Founder of Org to End Sexual Violence Against Children Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges – Sentenced to 13 Yrs in Prison”

    Hand down, the Clintons collect the creepiest, sickest, twisted bastards they can find!

  6. @Fred – did you mean founders and framers? There is no apostrophe in plural nouns.

    Spelling and grammar still matter even if autocorrect throws that damn apostrophe in whenever you add an s to the end of a word.

  7. anonymous June 23, 2021 at 3:24 pm

    “@Fred – did you mean founders and framers? There is no apostrophe in plural nouns.

    Spelling and grammar still matter even if autocorrect throws that damn apostrophe in whenever you add an s to the end of a word.”

    Forgive…Public education.

    Auto correct has actually weakened my spelling bee candidacy. And those little pips on certain keys of a keyboard, but what a learning curve, and dying dedication there.

  8. First code: Don’t let my children experience anything like this.

    Not really so simple. Let’s say I’m perfectly successful at this protection:

    So now I have perfectly innocent children that have no idea of evil things. Not knowing about the sexual deviances of others would be a small subset of their vast innocence.

    To skip a few steps, I’ll get right to it. Their complete innocence is a liability. They have no clue they may be being preyed upon at some time.

    Unfortunately, we must educate our children to the point of them being savvy enough to discern if they may be putting themselves in danger. I say “unfortunately” because innocence is lost with this knowledge and forethought to living life.


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