Creepy Joe – IOTW Report

Creepy Joe

This is his granddaughter.

Is this weird?

I mean, the way she is hiking her skirt? lol.

29 Comments on Creepy Joe

  1. Look at the fat bitches behind them smiling so warmly at the pedophile. How they wish they had their lips on his and move down from there. WTF! That’s a picture of mental illness there and too far gone.

  2. C’mon Man! Its Sunday morning BFH… We Want to see Claudia’s Animals not this animal… This post should go back in que until happy hour at least… two drink minimum man… Heh


  3. Note how she subconsciously pulls her skirt up? The mark of a girl who has been victimized by a pedo. Is this the granddaughter that Hunter was molesting when she was 14?

  4. Ole Short Eyes Joe workin’ his magic again. Even his female family members ain’t safe from this pervert. Needs have his wrinkled nuts and turkey neck pecker clipped off and shoved down his throat.

  5. He’s stepping on her foot, too. lol.
    You know, regardless of what she was doing with her skirt, you’d think someone would have told them “NO MORE KISSING IN PUBLIC”.

  6. As much as I love my daughters and granddaughters, I believe a kiss on the lips is not appropriate.
    But, then again unlike the biden family, I don’t have a proclivity for perversion or incest.

  7. I wonder, did Joe also take showers with his granddaughters, or was that little perversion reserved just for his daughter? How about the nude swimming?

  8. When I have not seen my daughter for Months (university), I give her a bear hug, a kiss on the cheek, Tell her I missed her, and load the suitcases.

    Maybe I’m wrong Joe, but I think that’s what normal Catholics do Joe. Stop acting like a priest


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