Crisis Management Then and Now – IOTW Report

Crisis Management Then and Now

Here’s an interesting tale of one president, facing Russian expansion, referring back to history to see how another president managed to get the Russians to back off.


 The ending’s a real hoot.



15 Comments on Crisis Management Then and Now

  1. I listened to some conservative (can’t remember who) claim that the problem with Barry is that due to his multi cultural back ground and his time spent at Harvard, he views himself as a citizen of the world not a Citizen of the United States and therefore often makes decisions that are not necessarily in our best interests.
    And I thought whats the GOP’s excuse? Somebody should have stopped and or impeached his tyrannical butt a long time ago.

  2. To be effective, diplomacy must be supported by power, and the means to project that force if necessary.

    “Walk softly, and carry a big stick.”

    As you can see, barry has been whittling down our “big stick” for years.
    He has opened the doors to our enemies and infected the administration with parasites and traitors. Meanwhile, he has crippled our economy and actively inflamed internal strife and divisiveness.
    Correctly perceived by the rest of the world as an appeasing, dilettantish pussy, he has squandered our resources, reduced our options, and surrendered our moral position.

    Thanks, barry.

  3. yeah, that JFK myth would be great……as long as no one brings up his agreeing to abandon all our NATO bases in Turkey if the Rooskies would leave Cuber (his pronunciation)

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