Theme idea from Col. Angus
Images from:
1 Col. Angus (Hannah) I had a year old female pup come in my yard, nearly starved and covered in ticks. She is the lady of the house now, with some meat on her ribs, current shots and license, and with appt. at the “clinic” in about a week. Her name is Hannah, I think she is American Dingo, or Carolina Dog.
2 & 3 chuffed-beyond-words (Pepper) Rescuing me from being sad
4 Claudia (Asher, Zoe, Ivan) Asher was my first kitty of my own. He made the trip to MN with me and was my companion for 20 years. I brought Zoe home when he was 12. After Asher died, Zoe was inconsolable; yowling so pitifully. After a month, I brought Ivan home. When he died at 10 years, she cried for him, too. She lasted a few more years and I lost her at 22 years. I would have been lost without them.
5 forcibly deranged (Henry) He was a feral kitten but decided that family life was better…
6 GreenCross4Safety (Butter) Butter was abandoned and showed up in our yard. We had to have four cats put down that year. He has been an awesome addition to our family.
7 Truckbuddy (Callie and Sammy) A twofer. Lion and the lamb, Callie found me 15 years ago (ish) on an October evening. It was cold, rainy and windy, I was opening my back door and heard a mew. Looked down and saw this kitten that fit in my hand. Quarantined her until she got all her shots and then gave her to the woman who became my wife, she was going through a rough divorce.
Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:
They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.
Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!
NEEDED for future posts: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for. Thanks!
- Critters and snow
- Thanksgiving Critters
- Cute critters
Our Indispensables.
Thanks, Claudia!
First thing I thought of was Damn that looks like a dingo!
Great stories! Pets improve our lives.
This is one of the reasons I enjoy Sunday mornings so much.
Those who rescue are the best people in the world
Bless all of you!
On Hannah the first thing I thought of she looked like a Fawn with it’s ears and way she’s laying. Very cute animals all of them!
No pics but have had several “foundling” cats over the years…Tom, Pip, Gray, Deedle, Bear, and the best ever, a calico named Nancy. They’re all gone now. Oldest daughter just earned a now two year old ex-sickly runt named Jinx who just showed up one day. Thinking back on it, not sure who found whom.
Anyone else believe that calicos are often more gentle natured than most cats? No reason they should be, they’re just off-colored tabbies, but that’s been my experience with several. Have also found torties to be surly.
We’ve had our yellow tabby rescue cat Finn for nearly 7 years next month. We looked at other cats but Finn when we first saw him he claimed us as his humans, he just knew he was going home with us and 7 years later he and our golden retriever Indie are best of animal friends. He might change his mind after Indie’s gone since I’m going to get another male collie named Kirby as a 2-3 month old puppy.
Our hardwood floors are scratched to hell, we had to replace 2 doors from being chewed and scratched to hell, those new doors get new scratches almost daily, holes in the carpet in several rooms, hair all over everything, dog smell permeates the entire house, the yard is full of brown spots, shit all over shoes, mud constantly gets tracked in, I get exactly 10% of my 1/2 of the bed… and we’re looking to adopt another. I can’t imagine it any other way.
Thanks Claudia and another great selection of our furry friends/family.
ecp- your description could be our house 😉 and we wouldn’t have it any other way either.
I’ll have to find the photo of my snow camo dog, Kato. It’s in an external hard drive, somewhere.
@Col. Angus: I bet that pup can hear a gnat fart a mile away!
Very Late Mornin’ everyone, great topic and great pics.
@Forcibly deranged – Henry (good name) looks a bit…suspicious!
All of our kitties past and present are rescues, and we had several litters from an outside cat, we called her the Mother Superior, that we got ALL of and finally trapped her and had her fixed…finally!
Thanks C! Been meaning to get back in touch…
Col. Angus, I think Hannah is part “dear.” Precious girl.
Claudia, there should be a “Pet”erans Day for our special friends, past and present.
Pets do improve our lives tremendously and it’s nice to see a little background information on them too! Thanks as always!
All of our cats have been rescues. They are such an important part of our lives. Butter, Alice, Gibbs, Itty, Patty, and now M. We love them so. thank you Claudia!
+++ on rescue kitties. All of mine were adopted, orphans or abandoned, that selected me rather than vice-versa.
HouseCats 1 and 2 have passed away, #3 is still thriving.
Cannot have haired pets. Wish I could, but one of our sons is allergic to all. He’s had all the desensitizing shots, but still suffers. So I guess I will only have DH’s still hairy head to stroke.
8 Harlequins
2 Bookends
11 Square Cubed Brain Audiovisual Sugar Stories
U C, DV MMXV-MMXX+, Still First In Space
You guys might really like a book called Animals Can Be Almost Human. Had it as a kid cause I had a lot of pets and loved animals. Favorite story was about two owls called Weeps and Wol. Funny, poignant, makes you think.