Crock O’ Shite Alert – IOTW Report

Crock O’ Shite Alert

I wore a hijab for one day – and this is what happened

This is a Fox News opinion piece by a loon writer on Latino Fox.

Here are some ridiculous excerpts.

The goal was to walk a mile in a Muslim woman’s shoes: an attempt to educate and promote understanding of what it’s like to openly observe Islam in America.

I found myself drawn to the experience, and volunteered.

I joined the others who participated in the experiment and marveled at how beautiful we all looked. Being a part of such a physical expression of unity and sisterhood was new to me, and I enjoyed laughing and reciprocating compliments with the other women. So far, so good.

I left the site of the event feeling beautiful in a way I had never felt before.

As a 20-something year old woman, I spend much of my life in front of the mirror trying on body-hugging clothes and styling my hair in ways I hope make me seem attractive. Doing the hijab experiment showed me the beauty in modesty…

I learned that wearing the hijab goes deeper than the stereotypical notion of oppression that many people think is going on when a woman wears her veil.

As a Latina, I’m used to being looked at for one thing or another. (What the hell does that mean??-bfh)

Wearing the hijab, I was received as a woman of self-proclaimed devotion to something greater than myself. Such a responsibility, even for those few hours, gave me an appreciation for not only Muslim women, but all who so courageously observe their faith.


What a crock of shinola.

Is she going to keep wearing the wonderful garment? I don’t think so. So you can cram the entire essay.


28 Comments on Crock O’ Shite Alert

  1. Why do I get the feeling that this stupid girl has a face full of hardware and green hair? She probably did look better covered up completely with a black hood.

  2. Such people need – deeply need – to experience the daily life of the differently abled. I suggest the only way to do that is, with medical supervision, be put into a persistent vegetative state for, oh, six months to a year.

  3. “I wanted to feel part of a community that celebrated it’s own identity so I sawed off my breasts with a pearing knife. I felt so liberated and part of a social construct that was bigger than myself.”

  4. “As a Latina, I’m used to being looked at for one thing or another.” (What the hell does that mean??-bfh)

    It can only mean one of three things, Fur:

    1) tits
    2) ass
    3) toilet paper hanging out of
    the size 6 pants on her
    size 16 body as she waddles out of the taqueria.

  5. Maybe next time she should try something simple like wearing a crucifix. A symbol I wear all the time to remind me of my faith. I suggest maybe Saudi or a Muslim district in the UK or maybe Dearborn, since her new friends are so tolerant.

  6. She participated in a botched experiment. Unless she was wearing a suicide vest under her hefty bag she didn’t feel the devotion to something greater than herself.

  7. Have the forced clitoridectomy 1st.
    You know, when they hold you down
    and slice of your clitoris while you scream
    in agony. Then tell us about your glorious
    freedom under that horse blanket.

  8. It was a college course, a lark, she had to write what the professor wanted to read. She is probably getting some useless degree.

    She liked not having to bother with personal grooming. Uh, did she wipe her butt with her bare hand? Why wasn’t she beaten or executed for eating bacon? What about being alone with a man who wasn’t her relative? where was her chaperone? That right there is a stoning offense.

    It’s almost summer, she’ll soon be back in her old string bikini.

  9. If she liked the Hijab experience she is going to the clitorectomy and sharing her potentially violent and oppressive husband with three other wives. Oh Islam it’s so liberating!

  10. Hola chica!
    You should have been forced to wear it from the age of 7.
    Oh, and no train rides through the city alone for you sweetheart. And ditch the boyfriend too.
    You think you’ve learned SO MUCH from one day of playacting that you can relate and understand.
    Some of those women in hijabs are not doing it out of a courageous display of belief in Islam, they are doing it to stay alive.

  11. There’s one of those skanks here. Yesterday DH and I saw here get into her car and drive off. I said to DH: “Well, there goes the muzzie, I don’t have to worry about getting blown up now.” AFAIK she’s the only one in town and she wears the same drab thing every time we see her. She’s also 75 lbs over weight. I don’t know if she’s carrying a bomb or fat.

  12. A Latina snowflake…how precious.
    I’d be more interested in her “feelings” after she volunteers for the FGM procedure.
    Go for it, Tootsie.
    And THEN get back to us.
    In the meantime, nobody GAF.

  13. Hell, Back in my college days, I had to write an essay about a Russian exchange student in our class – I was willing to exchange a little, but her name was Ivana Kutchurnutsov…

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