Cronyism Piped Directly Into Democrat Controlled Flint, MI – IOTW Report

Cronyism Piped Directly Into Democrat Controlled Flint, MI

Daily Caller

The company Flint, Michigan hired to replace lead water pipes had no experience with the work, according to a councilwoman and a contractor. Despite that, the city has received more than $600 million in state and federal aid for its water crisis.

And the city ignored a model showing where lead pipes are and paid to dig up every yard, the vast majority of which had copper pipes, according to meeting minutes. More

15 Comments on Cronyism Piped Directly Into Democrat Controlled Flint, MI

  1. $600 million project and the bidders didn’t have to pre-qualify? I am guessing the only qualification that counted was being a minority contractor. And democrat donor.

  2. “…contractors were more concerned with making money than with helping residents…..” FOOKIN’ REALLY!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Tony R. I looked up what information the council has on each member. None give party affiliation for some mysterious reason.

    Wait till 2020 though. It’ll all Trumps fault that residents in Flint are still have lead flowing through their water pipes.

  4. Step 1: Neglect the infrastructure by diverting funds for programs for the “underprivileged “.

    Step 2: Infrastructure goes to shit.

    Step 3: Declare a public health emergency and demand the Federal Government fix the mess you created.

    Step 4: Media Blitz!

    Step 5: Congress caves, and allocates a ridiculous amount of money to get the press off its back.

    Step 6: Award contract to your friend in exchange for a piece of the action.

    Step 7: Blame Trump/Republicans when you get caught.


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