Crowder: Republicans, You Deserve To Lose – IOTW Report

Crowder: Republicans, You Deserve To Lose

If one looks at the last couple of candidates the Republicans have nominated to represent the party for president, one would have to agree with Steve Crowder, the party deserved to lose.


 Looking at the current front runner, he warns that we may well be in the process right now of setting up for yet another loss.


That’s right folks, Crowder makes a good case why we have to do better than Donald Trump.


I hate losing.


18 Comments on Crowder: Republicans, You Deserve To Lose

  1. Cruz would not go near the illegal alien issue before Trump brought it up.
    Cruz was for increasing H1Bs before he was against it.
    Do you really think Cruz will build the wall?
    You guys are getting “played” again.

  2. Cruz would not build a wall.
    The overwhelming majority of people in this country do not want a wall except in problem areas.
    They want the laws enforced.
    Raising the minimum pay for H1Bs, as he is in favor of and has been would self select these people as the best, and protect wages of our workers.
    Trump wants to block out the best and brightest of the world and give the least skilled “touch back” amnesty so that they can continue to work in his hotels and casinos.

  3. Crowder’s anti-Trump rant fell apart when he suggested that Trump would be worth more money if he stuffed the money in a bank rather than run a business.

    Why don’t we ask the people who had jobs because Trump did invest his money and create the jobs.

  4. The fact remains that the man has worst negatives than Hillary Clinton.

    Why? Has anyone seen anything on what makes people dislike Trump more than Hilary?

    Is anybody doing anything to work on those negatives and try to make Trump a more palatable candidate for more people?

    I haven’t seen an anything on either question and solving this challenge is vital to Trump being viable in the general election.

    Otherwise, we are voting for him to send a message to the establishment “give us candidates we like or we’ll find someone who is bound to lose the general.”

    I understand the sentiment, I don’t agree with the ultimate outcome.

  5. I’ve been hearing a lot lately (Ben Shapiro, cough cough) that voting for Trump will “destroy the conservative movement.”

    NO. Voting for Trump will destroy the GOPee establishment which is trying to destroy the conservative movement. Forest through the trees.

    I’m still for Trump/Cruz 2016 and beyond but I sure would sleep a lot better at night with Cruz on The Supreme Court.

  6. By the same logic Crowder used if you have made $30,000 per year for the past 33 years and don’t have at least a million bucks you are unsuccessful. You could have put that money in an S&P unmanaged index fund and have hundreds of millions!

    Hillary left the white house dead broke with her husband, started up a questionable fund to launder and steal money, yet she’s perceived as “slightly” better than Trump? Okay…

  7. BFH, Unfortunately you are correct that no one is trying to make Trump more palatable. In fact the establishment including the Chamber of Commerce (not the main street business, but their “betters” at the top who work only for those who want their nests feathered via cheap labor and cronyism) is trying to take him down, along with all those who know he will upset their apple cart.

    I never realized the Koch brothers were so in bed with those entities, we know “conservative” TV and radio is in with the ruling class party and the left obviously wants Trump gone…he knows where the bodies are buried for both/all factions. Rush plays it on the edge.

    Trump’s mistake, if there really is one, is not acting country club proper so he can win the primary. If he wins the nomination he will beat Hillary with the Reagan Dems vote. Closed primaries/caucuses could be a downfall.

    Don’t think for a minute that if Cruz gets the vote in the primary, that he can beat the combined ruling class party, unless they want him to do so.

    p.s. Glad Rush agrees with me. 🙂 I didn’t hear the interview till now.

  8. Unfortunately, the only thing that can make Trump more palatable is Trump himself, and that ain’t gonna happen, kiddies. From the average people I’ve talked to, if something doesn’t change and change soon, I fear that we are looking at four more years of Democrap rule.


  9. Vietvet,
    If that happens it’s not Trump’s fault. It’s the GOP establishments fault. The guys we keep electing on the promise of their conservatism.

    One of the worst conservatives, probably because I thought she was going to be good, is Joni Ernst – the conservative who was going to make the left squeal like pigs being neutered. She neutered us instead.

  10. The GOPe (an ever changing group roughly described as the majority of Republicans that don’t like Trump) did not make Trump who he is.
    A lot of people, myself included were leaning heavily toward Trump at first. Then I started listening to what he was saying rather then the hype about “What he really thinks”
    It has also been evolving from a mistrust to outright disdain.
    When Rubio drops out, his delegates will use the poison pill that Trump forced on them with his disparaging remarks about them.
    That is enough to push Cruz over the top and have you all crying in your milk rather than asking yourselves why Trump did it in the first place.
    He knows that creating enemies is easy, and it is very difficult to get them back on your side. So he did it on purpose.
    Fact is, he doesn’t care.
    Either that, or he is a real dumb guy, and I doubt that sincerely.

  11. I live just a few miles from the DFW airport. I’d bet $20 I could go to the grocery store a few blocks from here, ask 100 people what Cruz’s position is on any subject they name and would get less than 50%.

    Flip to Trump that number would likely be 80%+, and that’s here in Texas,

    The people I work with up north, even the so called, republicans, only know he “shut down the government for no good reason” and that’s from college educated businessmen.

    Cruz simply has zero chance of winning a national election. Whereas Trump, despite the “negatives” discovered by doubtless “fair and balanced” pollsters can win. How good were the polls in the Kansas primary yesterday????

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